It’s time for care, Prioritizing quality care for children – Challenges, opportunities and an agenda for action

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended systems of support, including schools and childcare, shining a spotlight on the importance of quality care for children and those who provide it – the invisible backbone holding up strong and resilient families, communities, and economies. It is essential work, critical to upholding child rights, which has been overlooked and undervalued for far too long. If children are to be at the heart of the COVID-19 response and recovery plans, care and caregivers must be prioritized as a matter of urgency. This UNICEF/Better Care Network discussion paper elaborates on the extraordinary challenges facing children and families across the globe, and the steps that can be taken to ensure their inclusion in COVID-19 recovery plans. The five-point agenda for care offers a comprehensive, multisectoral roadmap to guide the immediate response to ensure quality care for children as well as the long-term investments across sectors, essential for care reform.


UNICEF, Better Care Network

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