Safeguarding Toolbox: For organizations to develop & implement effective, relevant safeguarding policies and practices

Changing the Way We CareSM (CTWWC) is committed to bold and highest quality child protection and safeguarding in all of its work. Within the initiative, they sought to ensure that children and young people at risk of or outside of family care are safeguarded. As a consortium this commitment required an assessment of risk and review of policies and practices, harmonizing approaches across multiple organizations, training staff and capacitating partners and working with implementing partners. CTWWC continues to strive to uphold the highest standards in safeguarding, outlining best practice globally, nationally and locally, and supporting their partners in best practice and sharing what we learn. 
The materials in this toolbox include the risk assessment tool, job aids and guidance identified as useful for work with and for vulnerable children and adults, particularly those at risk of or living in alternative care. This toolbox will help other organizations:
understand what protection and safeguarding means in the variety of contexts; 
assess the risks and take stock of protection and safeguarding regularly not just as a one-off activity; 
supplement and strengthen policies and procedures and align to global best practice standards; 
implement and live the policies; and 
build capacity and raise awareness around safeguarding and integrate an understanding of underlying causes of exclusion, discrimination, violence, abuse and exploitation in program strategies.


Changing the Way We Care

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