The Importance of Integrating Family Strengthening, Reunification, Case Management and Workforce Strengthening

Supporting families at risk of separation and reunifying families who have been separated are at the core of Changing the Way We Care’s work. Over the past year in which the COVID-19 pandemic has brought many challenges, our thoughts about how families are supported and by whom has been validated. The symbiotic relationship between family strengthening, reunification, case management and workforce strengthening has been illuminated. Each area of work must be done well for the other to be successful. Reintegration can be safe, sustained and nurturing if the reunification is well planned, the family is strengthened, and a quality case management process is followed. Each area requires trained, supervised, resourced and accountable workers and meaningful engagement with the family. This learning brief explores the successes, challenges and lessons Changing the Way We Care has had in each area, yet the overall take away is a reminder of how inter-related these four areas are and how it is critical to be intentional in strengthening and integrating them in a holistic approach to best serve children and families.


Changing the Way We Care

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