The Inshuti z’Umuryango Stories from the Field: Emmanuel and Genevieve

This case study details,how IZU Emmanuel and Genevieve supported a young person living with disabilities in Kamonyi district, Rwanda.
The IZU programme was initiated in 2016 as an innovative approach to decentralising the child protection workforce to community-level, and the cadre now comprises the frontline of Rwanda’s child protection system. 
The IZU are mandated as the frontline workers conducting the initial assessment of a child or adolescent’s situation. An important part of this role relies on their ability to identify the strengths and challenges that children and adolescents face. 
During their orientation training, IZU learn how to identify community assets and resources to support vulnerable children and adolescents 
In this case study, the child-centered partnership approach was critical in order to identify and support Ollie’s needs and wishes 


UNICEF, Rwanda National Child Development Agency

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