Investing in Family Care for Moldova’s Future: The Case for Meeting Moldova's Human Capital Needs

The Investing in Family Care for Moldova’s Future presents the case for investing in a more child-centered social welfare system in Moldova and provides specific estimates on the resources needed including an estimate of the resources required to fund the spectrum of programs and services Moldova needs to (i) prevent children from being placed in residential care; (ii) place children in safe, nurturing, and supported families; and (iii) transform residential settings into community assets that effectively meet community needs.

The investment case design was developed by the Changing the Way We Care team in Moldova and coordinated with the Moldovan Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. The report assesses the existing financing of residential and family care services, calculates the costs of primary family services such as professional parental support, family-type children’s homes (foster care), personal assistance, mobile teams, respite services, and day care centers for children with disabilities. Using the best available data, this report provides specific estimates on the financing required to provide the minimum package that Moldova’s children need.


Changing the Way We Care

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