Compendium of Case Management Tools and Resources

This Compendium of Case Management Tools and Resources represents the work of the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance (Alliance) Case Management Interest Group (CMIG). As a global network, we support the work of the task-focused and result-oriented interest groups of the Alliance members concentrated specific thematic areas.
Given increasing interest among Alliance members on the topic of case management and the social service workforce and a growing number of resources in this field, the Alliance has established and supported the work of the Case Management Interest Group (CMIG) and its two subgroups on Concepts and Principles of Case Management and on Case Management Tools and Resources. The former group prepared the document Core Concepts and Principles of Effective Case Management: Approaches for the Social Service Workforce. The latter sub-group has reviewed extensive case management tools and resources and assembled a collection of those most useful to the Alliance membership. The resources gathered in this compendium reflect the core case management concepts and principles identified by the CMIG and are meant to resonate across different regions and have global applicability, representing practices from humanitarian and development perspectives. They should be useful to audiences of various workforce levels and organizations.
This compendium is not intended to be a comprehensive source of all tools and resources relating to the case management. The open source documents shared by the authors and included in the Compendium with the permission of different organizations are published between 2009-2017. We should note that even given the extensive work on collecting and screening these resources, this Compendium is in its first edition. Its continued improvement relies on each of you who will share additional relevant documents, use the tools included in the Compendium or adapt them for their own use. Our hope is that you will let us know ways in which it can become more relevant and more applicable across different contexts.


Global Social Service Workforce Alliance

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