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The Impact of Trauma Work: A meta-synthesis on vicarious trauma and vicarious trauma growth

Workers who have been traumatized of both vicarious trauma (VT) and various posttraumatic growth (VPTG) have a high potential of short-long term of distress using a meta-synthesis. Psychological impact can be managed through personal and organizational coping strategies. It was also found that...

Child welfare outcomes 2008-2011

The reports provide information on state and national performance in operating child protection and child welfare programs. It also presents performance in seven outcome categories, which were identified in close consultation with state and local child welfare agency administrators, child advocacy...

Human Resources for Health: Overcoming the crisis

This report of the global workforceproposes that mobilization and strengthening of human resources for health is the key in fighting health crisis. Nearly all countries are challenged by worker shortage, skill mix imbalance, maldistribution, negative work environment, and weak knowledge base....

Health Information Systems: The foundations of public health

Public health decision-making is critically dependent on the timely availability of sound data. The role of health information systems is to generate, analyze and disseminate such data. In practice, health information systems rarely function systematically. The products of historical, social and...

Perspectives of Patients and Caregivers on the Logistical Barriers to Providing Mental Health Services in Uganda

Interviews were conducted with caregivers and patients about their access to mental health services and asked them to identify major barriers.  Through this process they concluded that some of the logistical barriers such as inadequate staffing and irregular supplies were leading to problems with...

The State of the Social Service Workforce 2016 Report: A review of five years of workforce strengthening

This report assesses the evolution of the social service workforce over the past five years by examining efforts to strengthen and diversify the workforce in eight countries.

Psychosocial Support for Pregnant Women and Families Affected by Microcephaly and Other Neurological Complications in the Context of Zika Virus

This report provides recommendations on how workers should address the psychosocial needs of women affected by Zika.

HIV-Sensitive Care Force Planning

Presentations from the Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS Care Force Conference include HIV-sensitive care, demography of the family care force and caregiver supportive policies.

Consequence of Adult HIV for Affected Children: Modelling the impact (full report)

The PEPFAR Orphans and Vulnerable Children Technical Working group, in partnership with Management Sciences for Health and the Human Sciences Research Council, undertook a three-phase project, including a review of the evidence linking children affected by HIV and AIDS to consequences for their...

Promoting Education for Vulnerable Children by Supporting Families: A holistic intervention in Uganda

This article reports on the Western Uganda Bantwana Program, which worked with more than 1,000 HIV/AIDS-affected families with the goals of improving socioeconomic status, psychosocial functioning, and educational participation. Bantwana offered home visits for psychosocial support and connected...
