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UNHCR Guidelines on Determining the Best Interests of the Child

These Guidelines describe a formal mechanism to determine the best interests of the child (BID). BID systems should not, however, be established in isolation of other protection measures taken for the benefit of children falling under UNHCR’s mandate. The mechanism is thus designed as part of a...

Tanzania Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Human Resources for Health and Social Welfare Strategic Plan 2014-2019

This strategic plan provides a framework and clear path toward the attainment of adequate and competent health and social welfare workforce that is motivated and equitably distributed to all parts of the country. Five core values are identified in the document as goals for implementation.

Tanzania Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Human Resource for Health Strategic Plan 2008-2013

This Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan has been developed with a view to creating an enabling environment to promote participation of key Human Resource for Health and Social Welfare stakeholders in addressing human resource crisis in the health sector. Specific focus is on planning and...

Framework for Social Welfare Services – South Africa

This document − the Framework for Social Welfare Services − is the outcome of an intense process of reflection by the departments and partners involved in the service delivery system on the evolution of developmental services since the adoption of such policies as the White Paper on Reconstruction...

National Social Protection Policy of Ethiopia

Establishing Ethiopia’s social protection framework is part and parcel of an integrated approach to the progressive realization of social and economic rights noted in the constitution. This policy introduces a shift from the social welfare approach of the developmental social welfare policy to a...

Standards for Foster Care Services in Namibia

The Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare has developed these standards through focus group discussions with providers and recipients of services in order to improve foster care services within the country.

Cambodia National Social Protection Strategy for the Poor and Vulnerable

This strategy represents a vision of comprehensive, integrated and sustainable social protection in Cambodia, in particularly for the poor and vulnerable, and outlines steps for implementing and improving social services in this National Social Protection Strategy.

Community Engagement to Strengthen Social Cohesion and Child Protection in Chad and Burundi: “Bottom up” participatory monitoring, planning and action

This report discusses how child protection can contribute to social cohesion and peace building through various means.

Resourcing Resilience: The case for social protection for adherence and HIV-related outcomes in children and adolescents in Eastern and Southern Africa

This powerful call to action summarizes and references strong evidence that early childhood is the basis of the future for individuals and for national development. The paper calls investors to recognize the multi-dimensionality of children’s wellbeing by funding holistic packages for young...

Protection and Resilience: A simple checklist for why, where and how, to coordinate HIV and child protection policy and programming

There is strong evidence of the cyclical relationship between HIV and violence and that achieving an AIDS-free generation will mean protecting children from violence, abuse and neglect. This short checklist provides practical guidance on how to link HIV and child protection policy and programming.
