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Professional development

Supervision for Staff of Family Care First/React Partner Organizations

The purpose of this research project is to learn the current landscape of supervision practices within the FCF | REACT network organizations in context of their capacity, supervisory needs, achievements and challenges.

Core Competency Framework for the Protection of Children

This Core Competency Framework has been developed for all disciplines, professions and staff groups undertaking a clinical role within NHS Scotland. The twin aims of the framework are (1) to describe the key areas of child protection work that are common and core across all disciplines, professions...

Training of Child Protection Actors on Key Competencies in Caring for Children in Adversity and their Families: A guide for trainers and child protection actors

This guide has been designed to strengthen the competencies of child protection actors. The first part of the guide is intended for those who train child protection actors and is based on a child protection competency matrix. It presents the training methodology to strengthen essential knowledge,...

Training, Supervision and Career Development

A home visiting needs assessment tool has been developed with several key areas of focus, including on training, supervision and career development. This tool includes questions as an opportunity to reflect on the accessibility and relevance of existing training and supervision for home visitors...

Child Protection Case Management Guidance during COVID 19 – Somalia

This technical guidance aims to support Child Protection agencies providing case management services in the humanitarian response in Somalia to be prepared and to adapt their interventions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The document outlines five priority areas for case management agencies...

Endline Program Evaluation of the Strengthening Public Sector Social Services Systems in Ethiopia Project

This report presents the endline performance evaluation of the Strengthening Public Sector Social Services Systems in Ethiopia (SPSSSSE) project, funded by USAID and implemented by the Ethiopian Society of Sociologists, Social Workers and Anthropologists (ESSSWA). This evaluation contributes to...

Factors Influencing Retention of Child Welfare Staff: A systematic review of research

Child welfare agencies need to identify and implement effective strategies to recruit and retain well-qualified staff that has the knowledge, skills and commitment to provide services to our nation’s most vulnerable children and families.

Models of Workforce Development

This paper provides a selection of models and approaches to workforce development that are of relevance to NSW non-government community sector (the sector). The intention is to provide a brief summary of existing options to assist us in developing a preferred model for the development of a...

From Supervision to Organisational Learning: A typology to integrate supervision, mentorship, consultation and coaching

Supervision is recognised as one of the major determinants of the quality of service to social work clients, the advancement of professional development and social workers’ level of job satisfaction. However, educational and supportive roles of supervisors have been constrained by administrative...

Supervision, Support and Mentoring Interventions For Health Practitioners in Rural and Remote Contexts: An integrative review and thematic synthesis of the literature to identify mechanisms for successful outcomes

This review includes 43 papers that evaluated support strategies for the rural and remote health workforce. Interventions were predominantly training and education programmes with limited evaluations of supervision and mentoring interventions.
