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Professional development

Differences in Preferences for Rural Job Postings Between Nursing Students and Practicing Nurses: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment in Lao People’s Democratic Republic

A discrete choice experiment was conducted to investigate preferences for job characteristics among nursing students and practicing nurses to determine how these groups vary in their respective preferences and to understand whether differing policies may be appropriate for each group.

Teaching Evidence-Based Practice: Strategic and pedagogical recommendations for schools of social work

The article provides strategic recommendations on enhancing social work practice education through Evidence-Based Practice in which schools of social work should ensure that faculty are trained in the methods of EBP.

Building the Skills of Direct Care Workers: The Alaskan core competencies initiative

This article details the development of a set of cross-sector core competencies relevant to workers in the fields of mental health, addictions, developmental and physical disabilities, and the long-term care of older adults. Also described are the related assessment tools, curriculum, and train-the...

The Development and Management of Social Workers in Ethiopia: A situational analysis

In Africa, social protection has become a policy choice in addressing rising vulnerabilities and inequalities. The article tackeled the elements of an emerging international norm in a comprehensive system for the development and management of social workers and reviews the extent to which Ethiopia...

Continuing Innovations in CPS Staff Recruitment and Selection: Results of a statewide test validation study

Effective recruitment and selection is essential to successful training outcomes. The aim of this paper is to optimize the fit between the needs of child welfare job applicants and the organization; that is, to identify candidates most likely to be satisfactory job performers and least likely to...

Deprofessionalizing Social Work: Anti-Oppressive Practice, Competencies, and Postmodernism

The article argues that the globalization of the economy and the internationalization of the state are affecting social work education and practice in Britain through the competency-based approach being promoted by CCETSW and the government. This is leading to the demise of the autonomous,...

The Impact of In‐service Training Within Social Services

In‐service training in social service agencies is recognized as fundamental in which staff are provided with the necessary knowledge and skills to improve overall agency performance and achieve the objectives of social policy. The outcome says although training may have an impact on trainees in...

Online Dissemination of Research: Are professional associations making the grade?

This paper examines research to find out if professional associations succeed in disseminating research to social workers.  The findings found that the online dissemination of research by these professional associations is lacking. There is a lot of room for growth in the associations supporting...

Improving SRHR Education by Using the Train the Trainers Approach

In twelve African countries Train the Trainer approaches have been rolled out in order to improve the quality of SRHR education and HIV prevention interventions for young people. This evaluation study assesses how the Train the Trainers approach contributes to the quality of SRHR programs for young...

Newly Qualified Social Worker's Readiness for Practice in Scotland

Little is known about newly qualified social worker (NQSW) experiences of education, employment and training in Scotland. This article reports on findings from a national online survey conducted with NQSWs during their first year of employment.
