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Pre-service training

Minimum Standards for the Care of Children in Residential Care Facilities

This document presents a set of minimum standards of care, which it is recommended that residential care facilities strive to adopt, particularly those residential care facilities engaged with or receiving support from Catholic Relief Services. The standards are designed to be applicable to a...

Psychosocial support for children from teachers, psychologist and social workers at schools (in Albanian)

This online course is dedicated to teachers, psychologists and social workers at schools to provide psychosocial support for children affected by COVID-19. It was developed in the framework of the project “Emergency and recovery support for vulnerable children and families affected by the COVID-19...

Participant Handbook Companion: Practical Life Skills - A workshop for care leavers and those who have recently left care aged 18 to 25 years

This participants handbook has come into being by care leavers for care leavers. It has been developed based on the myriad of challenges shared and experienced by care leavers, hoping with the hope that it will support others leaving care. This handbook contains materials you can use during and...

Participant Handbook Companion: Practical Life Skills - A workshop for care leavers and those who have recently left care aged 10 to 13 years

This participants handbook has come into being by care leavers for care leavers. It has been developed based on the myriad of challenges shared and experienced by care leavers, hoping with the hope that it will support others leaving care. This handbook contains materials you can use during and...

Facilitator's Guide: Practical Life Skills - Workshops for care leavers and those who have recently left care aged 18 to 25 years old

Youth who grew up in care can face challenges that are often different from the challenges faced by other young people. They often leave care without any definite or tangible support from the government, little-to-no support from the residential care facility (called "charitable children's...

Facilitator's Guide: Practical Life Skills - Workshops for care leavers and those remaining in care aged 14 to 17 years old

This Facilitator's Guide is based on the 10 to 13 guidebook and 18 to 25 guidebook.

Trauma and Alternative Care: An Introduction to Using a Trauma-Informed Approach

This basic awareness-raising course is for anyone who may come into contact with children and young people in alternative care settings. The aim of the course is to provide a brief understanding of trauma, the impact it can have on the lives of children and young people, and ways to support those...

Promoting Resilience-Informed Care: A practical guidance resource for frontline workers in family based care

This Practical Guidance is for anyone working with children at risk of entering, already living in, preparing or having already left care. It discusses why and how to support children who are at risk of or who have already experienced adverse experiences that might lead to distress or trauma.

A Psychosocial Support Toolkit for Social Workers

This toolkit is based on a review of the most recent research evidence around the psychosocial needs of forcibly displaced children and youth and discussions with social workers. It encourages a group approach to psychosocial support because the reality is that there are few psychosocial...

Supporting the Workforce: Parenting programs adapt to COVID-19

Facing challenges of delivering parenting programs during COVID-19, many programs shifted to virtual service delivery and adapted to provide enhanced psychosocial support. This brief focuses on how parenting programs are reorienting their services in response to COVID-19 and supporting the...
