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‘When will I be free’: Lessons of COVID-19 for Child Protection in South Africa

COVID-19 has highlighted and amplified structural inequalities; drawing attention to issues of racism, poverty, xenophobia as well as arguably ineffective government policies and procedures. In South Africa, the pandemic and the resultant national lockdown has highlighted the shortcomings in the...

Social Welfare Service Workforce Capacity Assessment

As part of the process to strengthen the Ghanaian social welfare workforce, a ‘social welfare workforce capacity assessment was conducted to develop a long-term capacity building strategy for the social welfare service sector in Ghana’ in 2019. The report notes existing gaps and needs and provides...

Guidance for Alternative Care Provision during COVID-19

Practical guidance on the adaptations and considerations needed to support children in alternative care or entering alternative care during COVID-19.

Expedited Case Management Process for Permanent Placement in Families after COVID-19 Lockdown

This document aims to support in determining feasibility of permanent placement and expedite family-based care in families in which children were placed quickly and without proper preparation during COVID-19 lockdown. The goal is for children to remain in their placement after the lockdown ends, if...

Keeping Children Safe in Uganda COVID-19 Response

This briefing paper by the "Joining Forces" coalition of ChildFund, Plan International, Save the Children, SOS Children's Villages, Terre des Hommes and World Vision details the increasing impacts of violence, GBV and MHPSS on children and issues messages to governments and donors on actions they...

Core Competency Framework for the Protection of Children

This Core Competency Framework has been developed for all disciplines, professions and staff groups undertaking a clinical role within NHS Scotland. The twin aims of the framework are (1) to describe the key areas of child protection work that are common and core across all disciplines, professions...

Training of Child Protection Actors on Key Competencies in Caring for Children in Adversity and their Families: A guide for trainers and child protection actors

This guide has been designed to strengthen the competencies of child protection actors. The first part of the guide is intended for those who train child protection actors and is based on a child protection competency matrix. It presents the training methodology to strengthen essential knowledge,...

Training, Supervision and Career Development

A home visiting needs assessment tool has been developed with several key areas of focus, including on training, supervision and career development. This tool includes questions as an opportunity to reflect on the accessibility and relevance of existing training and supervision for home visitors...

A Reflective Field Guide: Community-level approaches to child protection in humanitarian action

The Reflective Field Guide aims to contribute to fostering more authentic community engagement in humanitarian child protection action. It encourages honest reflection and discussion about current programming, what strong community participation could look like, and what child protection...

COVID-19: Information and Guidance for Social or Community Care & Residential Settings

This document offers guidance and recommendations for care in residential settings, including staff considerations for home visits and other interactions with residents.
