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Monitoring and evaluation

Health Systems Strengthening – M&E and Learning

This package of health systems strengthening (HSS) resources provides advice and direction on how to set up monitoring, evaluation, and learning processes. These processes track progress in HSS, generate evidence of the effectiveness of HSS interventions, and use that evidence for continuous...

Interagency Gender-based Violence Case Management Guidelines: Providing care and case management services to gender-based violence surivivors in humanitarian settings

This resource aims to set standards for quality, compassionate care for GBV survivors in humanitarian settings, with a particular focus on the provision of case management services. This document was developed for staff of organizations who provide care, support and protection services to GBV...

Good Practices in Case Management - How your OVC program can be ready for a site improvement monitoring system (SIMS) assessment

This document includes a variety of tools, forms and other resources used in the Site Improvement Monitoring System (SIMS) toward strengthening the quality of services delivered to people affected by HIV.

Assessment Tool for Children in Alternative Care - Assessment and Training Guide

The tool provides guidance on assessing children in alternative care in South Africa, taking into account the child’s well-being and developmental strengths and needs.

Field Handbook on Unaccompanied and Separated Children

This Field Handbook provides up-to-date and detailed operational guidance for all actors concerned with the welfare and protection of unaccompanied and separated children.

Care Reform Workshop Report, September 2017

This five-day workshop in London provided participants with an opportunity to share experiences in national care reform strategies; learn from leading international experts in care; review and begin adaptation of a self-assessment tool; and participate in M&E capacity building sessions. This...

Responding to Children and Adolescents Who Have Been Sexually Abused

These new clinical guidelines have been developed to help front-line workers in providing evidence-based, quality, trauma-informed care to survivors.

Child and Youth-Centered Accountability: A guide for involving young people in monitoring and evaluating child protection systems

This Guide offers five key reasons for including youth within monitoring and evaluation and is intended to be used by those working within child protection systems.

Capacity Building of Community-Based Child Care Workers Training Manual for Para Social Workers

This second edition of this training manual aims to build the capacity of para social workers in Uganda through a seven-step evidence-based management model.

2017 Home Visiting Yearbook

A compilation of key data on early childhood home visiting, this resource highlights how home visiting is a proven strategy to help children and families thrives. Service providers connect with parents and families to guide them through the early years of raising a family. This resource provides a...
