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Health workforce

INSPIRE: Seven strategies for ending violence against children

INSPIRE: Seven strategies for ending violence against children is an evidence-based technical package to support countries in their efforts to prevent and respond to violence against children aged 0-17 years.

HIV and Caregiver Common Mental Disorder: Synergistic Impacts on Child Development and Entry Points for Interventions

This reviews published literature on the mental health status of mothers living with HIV (MLH) and how this affects their children. It offers several recommends for integrating mental health services into delivery of other health and HIV services, including home visiting programs, collaboration...

Childonomics: Measuring the long-term social and economic value of investing in children

A consortium of organisations developed and tested an instrument that helps reflect on the long-term social and economic return of investing in children and families.

Improving Continuity of Care by Strengthening Health Information Systems

This report includes case studies demonstrating the importance of multi-sectoral collaboration, including the social service workforce, for continuity of care.

Intention to Leave the Profession: Welfare Social Workers Compared to Health Care and Community Social Workers in Israel

This study aimed to compare specific work related-factors (personal factor: length of work experience; structural factors: personal subjection to violence and fear of being subjected to violence; and psychological factors: professional quality of life—compassion satisfaction, burnout, and...

Practitioner Expertise to Optimize Community Health Systems

To harness the potential of community health workers (CHWs) to extend health services to poor and marginalized populations integration into well-designed and adequately funded health systems is vital.

Start Free, Stay Free, AIDS Free

The framework seeks to expand and consolidate the progress on vertical transmission by focusing on young women and pediatric treatment.

Responding to Children and Adolescents Who Have Been Sexually Abused

These new clinical guidelines have been developed to help front-line workers in providing evidence-based, quality, trauma-informed care to survivors.

HIV Prevention 2020 Road Map

This report shows that community peer-led prevention programs are critical to reduce stigma and discrimination, which is key to the success of both prevention and treatment.

Building Whole Child Resilience: Working together to enable children affected by HIV and AIDS to survive and thrive

There is a wealth of evidence to show that children affected by HIV and AIDS need integrated, holistic support, which combines biomedical, economic and social interventions. Recommendations are provided for multisectoral collaboration for the best outcomes for children.
