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ASEAN Regional Workshop on Social Service Workforce Strengthening

An overview of global standards, current status of social work, legislation and policies that exist, financial needs and a declaration for next steps.

Accelerating Action to Address Violence Against Women and Children in Tanzania

As the field of violence prevention and response continues to grow, the long-term, multi-sectoral coordination model piloted in Tanzania is often cited as a model for impact, capacity-building, ownership and momentum.

Multi-Country Review of the State of the Social Service Workforce in the Middle East and North Africa Region

Data from this review in eight countries is intended to guide and assist country-level action plans to strengthen the social service workforce.

Monitoring Child Protection within Humanitarian Cash Programmes

This study intends to inform the development and piloting of new approaches to integrating child protection concerns into multi-purpose cash monitoring frameworks.

State of the Social Service Workforce Report 2018: Trends and Recommendations for Strengthening the Social Service Workforce

This 4th annual report consolidates trends and data from 32 countries to make recommendations for better planning, development and support to this frontline workforce.

Key Considerations in Establishing a National Association for Child and Youth Care Workers

These guidelines were produced by four national professional associations for child and youth care workers in Africa to encourage others to undertake a similar process in other countries toward professionalization, regulation and growth of child and youth care work. These guidelines provide an...

A Voluntary European Quality Framework for Social Services

This voluntary European Quality Framework aims to develop a common understanding on the quality of social services within the EU by identifying quality principles that these services should fulfil. Moreover, by proposing a set of methodological guidelines, the Quality Framework will also help...

Guidelines to Strengthen the Social Service Workforce for Child Protection

These guidelines are informed by evidence of ‘what works’ and lessons learned in the field.

Integrating Health Care and Social Services for People with Serious Illness: Proceedings of a workshop

During a workshop proceeding, speakers examined the rationale for integration of health care and social services for people with serious illness, explored examples of innovative partnerships and collaborations that provide integrated services, and discussed the potential policy challenges and...

WHO Guideline on Health Policy and System Support to Optimize Community Health Worker Programmes

This resource related to community health worker remuneration, training and education, data collection, certification, career ladder, supervision, offers best practices that can be replicated by social service workers and other community service providers. The data demonstrates that when all of...
