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Rethinking Service Array for Young People Transitioning From Child Welfare

This resource, from the U.S. Center for States' Childwelfare Capacity Building Program, provides information on how to partner with young people to discuss redesigning the child welfare service array to meet the needs of youth and young adults currently and formerly in foster care, focusing on...

Learning Green Social Work in Global Disaster Contexts: A Case Study Approach

Green social work (GSW) is a nascent framework within the social work field that provides insights regarding social workers’ engagement in disaster settings. Although this framework has recently garnered more attention, it remains under-researched and underdeveloped within the context of social...

2023 Social Work Day at the United Nations in New York

The 2023 Social Work Day at the United Nations in New York aimed to further the understanding of disability issues in human rights and developmental contexts. It highlighted a full spectrum of this discourse, tackling theoretical aspects and down-to-earth issues encountered by practitioners and...

The Inshuti z’Umuryango Stories from the Field: Elisa

This case study details how IZU Elisa supported a child-headed household in Kayonza district, Rwanda. The IZU programme was initiated in 2016 as an innovative approach to decentralising the child protection workforce to community-level, and the cadre now comprises the frontline of Rwanda’s child...

The Inshuti z’Umuryango Stories from the Field: Emmanuel and Genevieve

This case study details,how IZU Emmanuel and Genevieve supported a young person living with disabilities in Kamonyi district, Rwanda. The IZU programme was initiated in 2016 as an innovative approach to decentralising the child protection workforce to community-level, and the cadre now comprises...

The Inshuti z’Umuryango Stories from the Field: Immaculee and Naphtal

This case study details how IZU Immaculee and Naphtal help Laura to escape child labour and abuse in Musanze, Rwanda. The IZU programme was initiated in 2016 as an innovative approach to decentralising the child protection workforce to community-level, and the cadre now comprises the frontline of...

UK Social Work & the War in Ukraine

The focus of this document is to support, inform and empower social workers across the UK in their ongoing practice and consideration of issues that arise in relation to people arriving and staying under the UK Ukraine visa schemes.  The document covers:

The Routledge International Handbook of Digital Social Work

This handbook provides an authoritative and cutting-edge overview of current research and trends related to the emerging field of digital technology and social work. This book is divided into six sections:

The Importance of Integrating Family Strengthening, Reunification, Case Management and Workforce Strengthening

Supporting families at risk of separation and reunifying families who have been separated are at the core of Changing the Way We Care's work. Over the past year in which the COVID-19 pandemic has brought many challenges, our thoughts about how families are supported and by whom has been validated....

Parents’ and Teachers’ Expectations of School Social Workers

In parallel with research focusing on the effectiveness of students and teachers, the content and impact of school social work have come to the forefront of international research discourses. In the Hungarian public education system, teachers had previously carried out social assistance tasks, but...
