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Case management

Building Whole Child Resilience: Working together to enable children affected by HIV and AIDS to survive and thrive

There is a wealth of evidence to show that children affected by HIV and AIDS need integrated, holistic support, which combines biomedical, economic and social interventions. Recommendations are provided for multisectoral collaboration for the best outcomes for children.

Summary of Key Approaches on Improving HIV Testing and Services for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV

Programs for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), through their community presence and unique relationships with caregivers and children, are especially well placed to promote and facilitate the entire HIV care and treatment cascade over time with age-appropriate information and approaches. This...

Community-Based Protection and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

This document aims to help community-based protection and MHPSS practitioners understand implications of their work and how together they can contribute to well-being and protection for people affected by forced displacement.

Cash Plus in Practice - Integrating nutrition and access to services in the PSNP in Ethiopia

The pilot of this cash plus program tested a model of case management and integrated package of nutrition-sensitive interventions delivered by social workers.

Transition Programming for Sustainable Livelihoods Beyond Institutional Care in Zimbabwe: Service Providers' Perspectives

This article explores the perspectives and programme needs of transition service providers (institutions and the government) in preparing and supporting adolescent girls leaving institutional care in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Capacity Building of Community-Based Child Care Workers Training Manual for Para Social Workers

This second edition of this training manual aims to build the capacity of para social workers in Uganda through a seven-step evidence-based management model.

A Holistic Approach to Psychosocial Support: A national training manual for caregivers

This manual is part of an Orphan Vulnerable Children toolkit for service providers.

Constructing Family from a Social Work Perspective in Child Welfare: A juggling act at best

Social workers from urban communities in the prairie region of Canada were surveyed on their understandings of family. Study findings suggest that social workers' construction of family and the decision they make about family life involve three primary themes: acceptance of diverse understandings...

Violence Against Children and Care in Africa: A discussion paper

Violence against children is prevalent in Africa, including in family and alternative care settings. Addressing the problem requires several strategies, including investing in a skilled and well-resourced social service workforce.

Using Data to Improve the Safety and Welfare of Children in Kenya

Kenya has created the Child Protection Information Management System (CPIMS) as a means for national documentation on children who are orphaned or vulnerable so that all child protection programming can be coordinated across providers.
