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Case management

Gender-based Violence Against Children and Youth with Disabilities: A toolkit for child protection actors

As part of a larger toolkit, this section provide capacity development tools on disability inclusion into GBV programming. The activities and content presented in these tools are intended to be integrated and mainstreamed throughout core child protection and GBV training packages, including through...

Improving Continuity of Care by Strengthening Health Information Systems

This report includes case studies demonstrating the importance of multi-sectoral collaboration, including the social service workforce, for continuity of care.

Setting the Global Research Agenda for Child Protection in Humanitarian Contexts

Armed conflict, natural disaster and forced displacement affect millions of children each year. Such humanitarian crises can erode existing family and community protection mechanisms - increasing the risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence. Within these contexts, child protection experts...

Promoting Successful Transitions Beyond Institutional Care: A programme-based service delivery model linked to a case management system

This paper reports on findings from an evaluation study of two institutions providing transition programmes to adolescent girls transitioning from institutional care in Zimbabwe. The study sought to understand how government-based and NGO-based institutions were delivering services to prepare...

Using a Systems Approach at the Community-Level in a Human Resource Constrained Context

This case study highlights aspects of a case management system and referral mechanism utilized by OVC programs within Mozambique that could be identified as a hub and spoke model of referral mechanism.

Referral Mechanisms for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV

Linkages between the social service system are especially relevant within OVC programming given that children and families affected by HIV and other adversities tend to have multiple vulnerabilities that require services and support provided by both sectors. This brief provides an overview of...

Working in Partnership to Improve Children's Safety and Well-being: The May'khethele Programme in South Africa

One of the objectives of the May’khethele Programme is to build capacity across different levels of the social service workforce.

Integrating Violence Against Children Prevention and Response Interventions within PEPFAR HIV Pediatric Testing, Care and Treatment

This summary report is derived from key informant interviews and a desk review. It includes service providers' awareness of and engagement with potential VAC-HIV synergies and highlights existing practices to prevent and/or respond to cases of violence against children within services, as well as...

Family Preservation or Child Safety? Associations between child welfare workers' experience, position, and perspectives

Assessing a number of worker characteristics, an analysis of the Dalgleish Scale (an instrument designed to measure the perspectives of workers across the continuum of child safety versus family preservation beliefs) revealed that staff who have worked in child welfare longer are more likely to be...

Family Preservation or Child Safety? How experience and position shape child welfare workers’ perspectives

This is a presentation delivered at the 2015 International Conference on Innovations in Family Engagement that highlights the dynamics of child protection systems and the intersection and challenges of family preservation and child safety in child protection situations.
