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Brunei Darussalam

Regional Guidance on the Development and Use of Social Service Workforce to Population Ratios in ASEAN

An adequately planned, developed, and supported social service workforce (SSW) is critical to enable equitable access to social protection and basic social welfare for all, in both development and humanitarian contexts. Social work is the core profession within the social service workforce, but...

Regional Guidance on Strengthening the Role of Social Workers and the Wider Social Service Workforce in Social Protection

This ASEAN Guidance is intended to support policy makers, managers and members of the social service workforce in ASEAN Member States to strengthen the role of social workers and the wider social service workforce in and for social protection systems.

Regional Guidance for ASEAN Member States on Strengthening the Role of Social Workers and the Wider Social Service Workforce in the Justice Sector

Social workers, and the wider social service workforce (SSW), do not only operate in the provision of core social services in the social welfare sector. They can play a critical role across sectors, including the justice system, in helping reach and engage the most vulnerable individuals and...

Regional Guidance for ASEAN Member States on Strengthening the Role of Social Workers and the Wider Social Service Workforce in the Health Sector

Social workers, and the wider social service workforce, do not only operate in the social welfare system. They can play a critical role across sectors, in order to reach the most vulnerable individuals and communities with support and services.

Ha Noi Declaration on Strengthening Social Work towards a Cohesive and Responsive ASEAN Community

This Declaration, adopted by the Heads of AMS on 12 November 2020 at the 37th ASEAN Summit, provided the first regional framework for social work, calling for its professionalisation and expansion in the region.

ASEAN Regional Workshop on Social Service Workforce Strengthening

An overview of global standards, current status of social work, legislation and policies that exist, financial needs and a declaration for next steps.

Estimating the Economic Burden of Violence against Children in East Asia and the Pacific

This research shows that violence against children also has an impact on health and human capital, and an economic cost. This is first ever costing of child maltreatment in the Asia-Pacific region.