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Changes in the approach of social work with young people in out-of-home care in Riga

At the end of 2019, an innovative approach was launched in social work with young people in out-of-home care in Riga, Latvia. This approach included prevention, changes in the form and methods of social work, and planning for the transition period. To implement the new approach, a new structure –...

Lessons Learned and Recommendations to Strengthen Families and End Institutionalisation for Children in Europe

To maximise the potential of the European Union and realise the vision where no child grows up in institutional care, civil society organisations across EU Member States, pre-accession countries and neighbourhood countries came together under a pan-European campaign: Opening Doors for Europe’s...

National Responses to Adjust Child Protection Systems (COVID 19)

The Child Protection team in the UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO) designed a brief online survey to take stock of what national authorities are doing to adjust national child protection systems and services in the Wake of COVID 19. This report aims to synthesize the responses...

Be the Change! Leave No Care Leaver Behind!

Through two projects designed by SOS Children's Villages, findings show that care leavers experience a range of emotions when leaving their place of care: a mix of happiness and expectations of freedom and independence along with feelings of loneliness, anxiety and, sometimes, fear.

Towards More Independent Lives for People with Disabilities: Reflections from social services across Europe

This toolkit provides recommendations and examples of practice for senior social services professionals providing care for people with disabilities.

Workforce Profiles in Systems of Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe

This publication is a compilation of profiles of individuals from 30 countries who are working within early childhood education.

Investing in Later Life: A toolkit for social services providing care for older people

This toolkit provides recommendations and examples of innovative practice for senior professionals working in social services providing care for older people.

The Impact of the Refugee Crisis on Local Public Social Services in Europe

This report reviews the impact of the refugee crisis on local public social services in Europe and what support public social services have received from the state and community.

Investing in the Social Service Workforce

Findings of a study on how local public social services are planning, managing and training the social services workforce.

Realiser les Droits d'Enfant: Manual pour la Formation des Professionnels de la Prise en Charge Alternative

L’atteinte de cet objectif passe en particulier par des partenariats avec des institutions internationales et des acteurs de la société civile tant nationaux qu’internationaux. Ces partenariats ont permis l’élaboration des Standards « Quality4Children » pour la prise en charge des enfants hors du...
