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Resources Database

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1470 resources listed:

USAID/ DCOF – Three Country Child Care Reform Exchange Workshop Report

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through its Displaced Children and Orphans Fund (DCOF) supported a sub-regional workshop held in Kigali March 23-26, 2015 to provide structured opportunities for technical exchange on care reform, approaches, methods, and tools. During workshop sessions in Kigali, participants engaged in facilitated exploration of ten priority topics related to care, including the role of the social workforce in conducting case management and leading deinstitutionalization in an integrated child protection system.

USAID, DCOF, World Learning
Year of Publication: 

Bottom-up Approaches to Strengthening Child Protection Systems: Placing children, families, and communities at the center

Efforts to strengthen national child protection systems have frequently taken a top-down approach of imposing formal, government-managed services. Such expert-driven approaches are often characterized by low use of formal services and the misalignment of the nonformal and formal aspects of the child protection system. This article examines an alternative approach of community-driven, bottom-up work that enables nonformal–formal collaboration and alignment, greater use of formal services, internally driven social change, and high levels of community ownership.

Michael G. Wessells
Year of Publication: 

Relationship Between Family Economic Resources, Psychosocial Well-being & Educational Preferences of AIDS-Orphaned Children

This study examines the relationship between economic resources, psychosocial well-being, and educational preferences of 1,410 AIDS-orphaned children in southern Uganda. These findings suggest that the focus for care and support of orphaned children should not be limited to addressing their psychosocial needs. Addressing the economic needs of the households in which orphaned children live is equally important. Both are important areas of work for the social service workforce.

Fred M. Ssewamala, Proscovia Nabunya, Vilma Ilic, Miriam N. Mukasa, Christopher Ddamulira
Year of Publication: 

Researching the Linkages Between Social Protection and Children's Care in Ghana

This report aims to gain an understanding of the interactions between social protection programs and quality of care, including the role social service workers play in linking children to social services following the loss of parental care, family separation, reunification and care choices (primarily foster and kinship care).

Family for Every Child, International Development Studies, Centre for Social Protection, Challenging Heights
Year of Publication: 

Survey Tools for OVC Programs

New indicators and tools developed by MEASURE Evaluation enable program designers and administrators to standardize data collection through answering questions fundamental to the planning and evaluation of OVC programs worldwide. Materials have been packaged into a toolkit. Materials are also available in French.

MEASURE Evaluation
Year of Publication: 

Shifting Management of a Community Volunteer System for Improved Child Health Outcomes

Community-based strategies that foster frequent contact between caregivers of children under five and provide credible sources of health information are essential to improve child survival. Care Groups are a community-based implementation strategy for the delivery of social and behavior change interventions. This study assessed if supervision of Care Group activities by Ministry of Health (MOH) personnel could achieve the same child health outcomes as supervision provided by specialized non-governmental organization (NGO) staff. (from Abstract)

Jennifer Weiss, Raphael Makonnen, Delphin Sula, BMC Health Services Research, BioMed Central Ltd.
Year of Publication: 

An Independent Review of the Scottish Early Learning and Children Workforce and Out of School Care Workforce

This report identifies and makes recommendations on how the skills, qualifications and training of staff working within the early learning and childcare and out of school care sectors, from birth to age 14, can contribute to improved outcomes for children, help to reduce social inequality and close the attainment gap, based on the evidence gathered in the course of the Review and wider research evidence.

Iram Siraj, Denise Kingston, UCL Institute of Education University College London
Year of Publication: 

Practice Parameter for the Assessment and Management of Youth Involved with the Child Welfare System

This Practice Parameter presents principles for the mental health assessment and management of youth involved with the child welfare system. Important definitions, background, history, epidemiology, mental health care use, and functional outcomes are described. Practical  guidance  regarding  child  welfare-related considerations  for  evaluation  and  management  are discussed.

Terry Lee, MD , George Fouras, MD , Rachel Brown, MBBS, MPhil and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) Committee on Quality Issues (CQI)
Year of Publication: 

State of the Social Service Workforce 2015 Report

This first annual report sheds light on key social service workforce data and trends, showcases innovative and effective workforce strengthening initiatives, and highlights the need for more data and focus in this area. The report reviews the current state of the workforce in 15 countries. The executive summary can be found here.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance
Year of Publication: 

Health Workforce 2030: A Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health

A global strategy on human resources for health that addresses, in an integrated way, all aspects ranging from planning, education, management, retention, incentives, linkages with the social service workforce, can inform more incisive, multi-sectoral action, based on new evidence and best practices. This brochure sheds light on why a global strategy on HRH is necessary and outlines the process of developing WHOs strategy.

World Health Organization
Year of Publication: 

Literature Review of the Roles and Issues within the Social Work Profession in England

This review aims to help inform efforts to oversee the regulation of social workers in England and accrediting voluntary registers for care occupations through identification of research on the variety of roles and contexts in which social workers work.

Jo Moriarty, Mary Baginsky, Jill Manthorpe, King’s College London, Social Care Workforce Research Unit
Year of Publication: 

WHO/UNHCR New Guide on Mental Health in Humanitarian Emergencies mhGAP Humanitarian Intervention Guide

This guide aims to support general health facilities in areas affected by humanitarian emergencies in assessing and managing mental, neurological and substance use conditions. It is adapted from WHO’s mhGAP Intervention Guide (2010), a widely-used evidence-based manual for the management of these conditions in non-specialized health settings, and tailored for use in humanitarian emergencies.

World Health Organization, United Nations High Commission for Refugees
Year of Publication: 

Children First: Better Public Spending for Better Outcomes for Children and Families

This is a report from the Eurochild 11th Annual Conference 2014 in Bucharest, Romania. Evaluation Methodologies, Public-Private Partnerships and Social Return on Investment were the three cross-cutting themes of the three-day conference. The conference report highlights the need for authorities to invest more and better in children, the importance of preventive services, the value of participation of children and young people, and the importance of evaluating and monitoring budgets for their spending on children.

Eurochild, Hope and Homes for Children Romania
Year of Publication: 

Teaming in Child Welfare: A Guidebook

Teaming is an innovative approach to casework practice. Implementing Teaming is one way that child welfare agencies can support the effectiveness and morale of their caseworkers and line supervisors. Developing, implementing, and maintaining an effective casework team takes work.

Research Foundation of SUNY, Buffalo State College, New York State Child Welfare/Child Protective Services Training Institute
Year of Publication: 

Guide to Build Capacity for Child Welfare Using the CQI Process

This paper is a starting point for collaboration with the Children’s Bureau to ensure that states receive the support they need to develop rigorous, sustainable National Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) systems. The recommendations summarize what state and local agencies will need to build CQI capacity, both in terms of human capital and implementation. These include developing training curricula and needs assessment tools, data management support, and integrating CQI principles into planning, reporting, and funding documents.

American Public Human Services Association, National Association of Public Child Welfare Administrators
Year of Publication: 

Leadership Development Online: Design and Implementation of a Program for Child Welfare Supervisors

Many human service agencies are turning to online learning as a cost effective and efficient way to deliver training. As part of the National Child Welfare Workforce Institute (NCWWI), the LAS draws on a leadership competency model, best practices in adult education and online learning designed initially to reach child welfare supervisors nationwide in a self-directed approach. This article focuses on the design and implementation of the online program and the accommodations made to support supervisors to complete training.

Crystal French, Sue Ebersten, and Freda Bernotavicz, University of Southern Maine, and Robin Leake, University of Denver
Year of Publication: 

Using Mobile Phones and Open Source Tools to Empower Social Workers in Tanzania

This paper describes a text message-based solution that harnesses the prevalence of mobile phones coupled with several open source tools to empower para-social workers who carry the primary responsibility in providing essential services to the growing population of orphans and vulnerable children in Tanzania.

International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development
Year of Publication: 


The query yielded 1470 items