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Resources Database

Example: A search for contin would match titles containing continuum, discontinue, continuation, etc.

1470 resources listed:

Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse

The IRC, in partnership with UNICEF, developed field-tested guidelines and tools for health and psychosocial staff working with child survivors of sexual abuse in humanitarian settings. They include new care guidelines for child survivors and tools to build the capacity of service providers. The toolkit includes a chapter on how to adapt the case management process for this target group (Chapter 5) and related tools. Available in English and French.

International Rescue Committee
Year of Publication: 

Standards for Integration of HIV/AIDS Information Systems into Routine Health Information Systems

In recent years, there has been a strong push to strengthen national health systems in developing countries through a six building block approach: health service delivery; health workforce; health information; medical products, vaccines and technologies; health financing; and leadership and governance. HIV/AIDS information systems are used as examples of best practices and what is required for achieving integration with RHIS.

David Boone, Suzanne Cloutier, MEASURE Evaluation
Year of Publication: 

Building Foundation: Reflection from USAID's Largest OVC Program

Yekokab Berhan Program for Highly Vulnerable Children incorporated early childhood learning at the community-level to improve outcomes. Presented during the "Children and HIV: Start Early, Start Now! – Integrated Interventions for Young Children Born into HIV-affected Families” symposium in Melbourne, Australia in July 2014.

Tefera, G. and Mekonnen, B., PACT
Year of Publication: 

Clinic-Based Peer Support by Women Living with HIV

Peer support is an important strategy for improving health outcomes, including the mental and physical health of mothers living with HIV. It also has the advantage of allowing tasks to be shifted from healthcare professionals to paraprofessionals. Research findings from a peer support study were presented during the "Children and HIV: Start Early, Start Now! – Integrated Interventions for Young Children Born into HIV-affected Families” symposium in Melbourne, Australia in July 2014.

Project Masihambisane
Year of Publication: 

Home Visiting by Community Health Workers Improves Outcomes for Mothers-Infants Over Three Years

This presentation reviews a cluster randomized controlled trial of 24 neighborhoods near Cape Town with community health workers providing 3 years of intervention to assist mothers and infants. Families receiving CHW support had reduced maternal depression and increased child cognition. Presented during the "Children and HIV: Start Early, Start Now! – Integrated Interventions for Young Children Born into HIV-affected Families” symposium in Melbourne, Australia in July 2014.

Mark Tomlinson, Sarah Skeen, Ingrid le Roux, Mary Jane Rotherham-Borus, Sandahl Nelson, Kwanie Mbewu
Year of Publication: 

Playgroups: A promising approach for vulnerable young children in Rwanda

This presentation reviews playgroups as part of a model for household resiliency. Presented during the "Children and HIV: Start Early, Start Now! – Integrated Interventions for Young Children Born into HIV-affected Families” symposium in Melbourne, Australia in July 2014.

Michelle Ell, Global Communities; Catherine Honeyman, Ishya Consulting
Year of Publication: 

Step by Step: Preparing for work with children and young people who inject drugs

Intended for harm reduction service providers with limited experience of working with children and young people who inject drugs, this resource sets out a process to prepare for work with children and young people who are under 18. It is designed to help organizations and staff to feel safe in commencing this work and supporting them in thinking through challenging situations.

Kate Iorpenda, International HIV/AIDS Alliance; Vanessa Veronese, Save the Children
Year of Publication: 

Findings from the SASA! Study to assess the impact of an intervention to prevent violence against women/ reduce HIV risk

Intimate partner violence (IPV) and HIV are important and interconnected public health concerns. While it is recognized that they share common social drivers, there is limited evidence surrounding the potential of community interventions to reduce violence and HIV risk at the community level. The SASA! study assessed the community-level impact of SASA!, a community mobilization intervention to prevent violence and reduce HIV-risk behaviors.

Tanya Abramsky, Karen Devries, Ligia Kiss, Janet Nakuti, Nambusi Kyegombe, Elizabeth Starmann, Bonnie Cundill, Leilani Francisco, Dan Kaye, Tina Musuya, Lori Michau and Charlotte Watts
Year of Publication: 

Leveraging Existing Community Structures to Reach HIV-affected Children in Early Childhood with Care and Support Services

This presentation reviews Bantwana Iniatitive's early childhood education program challenges and outcomes in Swaziland. The program is an integrated intervention that has helped to improve access to health and nutrition and improved parent and educator participation. Presented during the symposium “Children and HIV: Start Early, Start Now! – Integrated Interventions for Young Children Born into HIV-affected Families” in Melbourne, Australia, in July 2014.

Thulani Earnshaw
Year of Publication: 

Developing & Testing Evidence-based Child Abuse Prevention Programs for AIDS-affected Families in LMIC

This presentation reviews pathways to HIV-risk, resulting child abuse and offers advice and support for stemming the problem. Presented during the symposium “Children and HIV: Start Early, Start Now! – Integrated Interventions for Young Children Born into HIV-affected Families” in Melbourne, Australia, in July 2014.

Lucie Cluver, Cathy Ward, Frances Gardner, Judy Hutchings, Chris Mikton, Jamie Lachman, Franziska Meinck, Jenny Doubt, Tshiamo Peterson, Mark Boyes
Year of Publication: 

The Family Engagement Inventory: A Brief Cross-Disciplinary Synthesis

Taking a cross-disciplinary approach to strengthening families, the Family Engagement Inventory is designed to familiarize professionals in child welfare, juvenile justice, behavioral health, early childhood education, and education with family engagement as defined and implemented across these fields of practice.

Child Welfare Information Gateway, Children's Bureau
Year of Publication: 

The Impact of Public Investment in Social Care Services on Employment, Gender Equality and Poverty: The Turkish case

The social care service sector remains an underdeveloped sector in Turkey. This study evaluates a demand-side economic rationale for public investment in the social care sector by estimating its potential for employment creation, pro-women allocation of jobs, and poverty alleviation.

İpek İlkkaracan, Kijong Kim, Tolga Kaya
Year of Publication: 

Enhancing Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Capacity in Low Resource Settings: A trainer’s manual

Individual to Collective Healing: A trainer’s manual is part of a War Trauma Foundation series featuring resources spanning the complementary supports that meet the mental health and psychosocial needs of different groups. The series takes a collective approach looking at how families and communities as well as individuals are impacted in times of distress. The focus of this work is mainly on capacity building of local mental health and community-based psychosocial professionals, without taking over ownership and service delivery from already active local resources.

War Trauma Foundation; Ahfad University for Women, Sudan
Year of Publication: 

Managing Stress in Humanitarian Workers: Guidelines for good practice

Good staff care and psychosocial care have proven to be an important asset in stress management and the prevention and treatment of traumatic and post-traumatic stress. The Guidelines were conceptualized as a comprehensive, systematic presentation of the ‘state of the art’ in managing stress in humanitarian workers. 

Antares Foundation
Year of Publication: 

Trousse d'Evaluation Rapide en Matiere de Protection de l'Enfant

La Trousse d’évaluation rapide en matière de protection de l’enfant (ERPE)contient toutes les informations nécessaires pour réaliser une ERPE sur une période de cinq semaines. Suite à une situation d’urgence d’ampleur significative, l’ERPE sera généralement réalisée dans le cadre d’évaluations coordonnées entreprises au sein du système cluster/sectoriel humanitaire.

Child Protection Cluster
Year of Publication: 


The query yielded 1470 items