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Resources Database

Example: A search for contin would match titles containing continuum, discontinue, continuation, etc.

1470 resources listed:

Children's Mental Health Service Needs and Utilization Patterns in an Urban Community: An epidemiological assessment

A cross-sectional survey was conducted to assess children’s mental health service needs and utilization patterns for state planning efforts. The findings illustrate the importance of inter-agency collaboration and the need to consider reports of parents and teachers and different dimensions of psychopathology in future planning research.

Zahner, G.E.P., Pawelkiewicz, W., Defrancesco, J.J. and Adnopoz, J.
Year of Publication: 

Motivation and Retention of Health Workers in Developing Countries: A systematic review

Absence of properly trained and motivated workforce is a key constraint in achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The authors of this research undertook a systematic review to consolidate existing evidence on the impact of financial and nonfinancial incentives on motivation and retention. Financial incentives alone are not enough but recognition is highly influential in health worker motivation. Additionally, adequate resources and appropriate infrastructure can improve morale significantly.

Mischa Willis-Shattuck, Posy Bidwell, Steve Thomas, Laura Wyness, Duane Blaauw and Prudence Ditlopo
Year of Publication: 

The Early Childhood Workforce – A powerful force for scaling-up quality services for young children and their families

With growing interest in how to improve and scale-up systems that deliver services to families and young children, we need to understand more about the best ways to recruit, train, supervise and support the early childhood workforce. This article introduces the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative, a new global initiative coordinated by the International Step by Step Association (ISSA) and the Results for Development Institute (RD4).

Mihaela Ionescu, Kimberly Josephson, Michelle Neuman
Year of Publication: 

Some Considerations on the Validity of Evidence-based Practice in Social Work

Underlying presuppositions and assumption entailed in evidence-based practice and their implications for social work were considered in this article. The findings show that evidence-based practice proposes a particular deterministic version of rationality which is unsatisfactory. Evidence-based practice is derived from ideas based on optimal behavior in a planned and systematically organized environment.

Webb, S. A.
Year of Publication: 

Field Education as the Signature Pedagogy of Social Work Education

This article analyzes the field education– signature pedagogy fit. It finds congruence in selected organizational arrangements that are pervasive and routine, and disparities with respect to expectations about public student performance, peer accountability, the view of adaptive anxiety, and accountable talk. The article asserts that practicum effectiveness could be enhanced through a greater emphasis on group structures for learning/teaching in the field.

Wayne, J., Bogo, M., and Raskin, M.
Year of Publication: 

The Impact of the Isibindi Programme on Vulnerable Youth: Evaluation Report

In 2009, there were an estimated of 1.9 million children under the age of 17 in South Africa who were orphans due to HIV/AIDS. "ISIBINDI: Creating Circles of Care" is a community-based care and protection intervention for vulnerable children and young people that was developed by National Association of Child Care Workers (NACCW) and has been largely funded by USAID and PEPFAR. This report is a review of the impact of the program

Visser, M., Zungu, N., and Ndala-Magoro, N
Year of Publication: 

Orphanage Caregivers' Perceptions of Children's Emotional Needs

This study explores Ghanaian institutional caregivers' views of children's emotional and relational needs with the aim of understanding these caregivers' capacities to provide effective care for orphans. 

Joanna E. Bettmanna, Jamie M. Mortensena, Kofi O. Akuokob
Year of Publication: 

The Shared Traumatic and Professional Posttraumatic Growth Inventory

This study examined the experience of 244 mental health workers who lived and worked in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. An instrument, the Shared Trauma and Professional Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (STPPG), a 14-item, Likert-type scale composed of three subscales (Technique-Specific Shared Trauma, Personal Trauma, and Professional Posttraumatic Growth), was developed to understand the nature of dual trauma exposure.

Carol Tosone, Jennifer Bauwens, Marc Glassman
Year of Publication: 

An Evaluation of Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children in Zambia

To monitor and evaluate the feasibility of implementing Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) to address trauma and stress-related symptoms in orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Zambia as part of ongoing programming within a non-governmental organization (NGO). As part of ongoing programming, voluntary care-workers administered locally validated assessments to identify children who met criteria for moderate to severe trauma symptomatology. Local lay counselors implemented TF-CBT with identified families, while participating in ongoing supervision.

Murray LK, Familiar I, Skavenski S, Jere E, Cohen J, Imasiku M, Mayeya J, Bass JK, Bolton P
Year of Publication: 

Implementation of Peer Providers in Integrated Mental Health and Primary Care Settings

Peer providers are essential to the delivery of recovery-oriented mental health services, but little is known about their roles in delivering integrated mental health and primary care services. This study examines how peer-based services are implemented in newly integrated behavioral health care settings in Los Angeles County, California.

Elizabeth Siantz, Benjamin Henwood, Todd Gilmer
Year of Publication: 

Supporting the Child Care and Workforce Development Needs of TANF Families

This report outlines the opportunities offered by workforce development and child care subsidy systems in the United States but also highlights the challenges of meeting the complex needs of these highly disadvantaged families and identifies implications for federal and state policy improvements, including assistance in workforce development.

Urban Institute
Year of Publication: 

The Evidence Matrix for the Social Service Workforce

The Evidence Matrix compiles available evidence on social service workforce strengthening and is a product of the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance Building Evidence for Social Service Workforce Strengthening Interest Group. The matrix was developed using key words and accessing multiple data libraries and search engines to explore academic and grey literature as it relates to the Framework for Strengthening the Social Service Workforce Alliance.

Jini Roby, Global Social Service Workforce Alliance
Year of Publication: 

HIV-Sensitive Care Force Planning: Action items to ensure support & resources for caregivers of children affected by HIV

A group of stakeholders was convened to identify the necessary interventions, research, advocacy and investment required to meet the unique needs of those responsible for the unpaid care of children affected by HIV. The outcome of this discussion was a set of action items intended to better support community caregivers responsible for children affected by HIV.

The Coalition for Children Affected by HIV
Year of Publication: 

The Evidence Base on the Social Service Workforce: Current Knowledge, Gaps and Future Research Direction

This new report from the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance aims to establish a clearer picture of the state of the current evidence, identify evidence gaps and suggest priority research needs.

Jini Roby, Global Social Service Workforce Alliance
Year of Publication: 

Strengthening Uganda’s National Response for Implementation of Services for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children (SUNRISE-OVC)

Working in close collaboration with national and local government structures, SUNRISE-OVC was focused on four result areas: 1) Local governments effectively plan, manage and coordinate implementation of comprehensive OVC Services at all levels; 2) Increased demand and utilization of OVC data and strategic information by districts; 3) Local governments and CSOs monitor and measure quality of services to OVC and their households; and 4) Local governments and CSOS efficiently use existing and raise additional resources to implement OVC plans. SUNRISE-OVC ended in June 2015.

4Children, USAID, CRS, Maestral
Year of Publication: 


The query yielded 1470 items