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Resources Database

Example: A search for contin would match titles containing continuum, discontinue, continuation, etc.

1470 resources listed:

Altruistic Exploitation: Orphan Tourism and Global Social Work

Based on an exhaustive review of the global literature and utilizing an innovative theoretical framework of 'altruistic exploitation', the authors explore the ironic juxtaposition of benefits and harms associated with orphan tourism to the various stakeholders. Volunteers are often exploited in fulfilling their altruistic motives while at the same time engaging in potential exploitation of the very children they aim to serve.

Karen Smith Rotabi, Jini L. Roby and Kelley McCreery Bunkers
Year of Publication: 

Training Toolkit on the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child

This Toolkit is intended for civil society members working for children, government officials responsible for children's matters; key actors in children's rights in the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) of Africa. The toolkit is designed to increase knowledge of the rights and duties provided in the ACRWC and ACERWC, educate government officials on the obligations of State Parties and inform civil society actors on the contents of the Charter as well as the mechanisms for engaging with the ACERWC.

African Child Policy Forum
Year of Publication: 

Compendium of Promising Practices to Ensure that Children Under the Age of Three Grow Up in a Safe and Supportive Family Environment

This Compendium of promising practices to ensure that children under the age of three grow up in a safe and supportive family environment is a compilation of the most encouraging initiatives in the area of prevention of child abandonment and relinquishment that have been implemented and tested in the CEE/CIS region.

Year of Publication: 

A Comprehensive Workforce Strategy to Advance Child Welfare Outcomes Workforce Workgroup Report

For a child welfare agency to achieve its mission, it must attract, develop, and retain a skilled and ready workforce. This report is a compilation of the most pressing child welfare workforce issues they face and recommended strategies for developing the child welfare workforce of the future. These issues and strategies, however, must be viewed in the context of workforce planning, which is a systematic process.

National Child Welfare Workforce Institute
Year of Publication: 

Guidelines on Childrens Reintegration

These guidelines are based on the understanding that a child's reintegration requires much more than simply returning a child to their family of origin or placing them within their kinship network. Reintegration is a process that a formerly separated child and their family go through over an extended period of time.

Inter-agency Group on Children's Reintegration
Year of Publication: 

Implementing Evidence-based Practice in Treatment Foster Care: A resource guide

This guide is a partial response to the needs of Foster Family-based Treatment Association  member agencies by summarizing a systematic review of the evidence base of practices relevant to providers of Treatment Foster Care. There are a number of sources that list mental health treatments that have been found effective with child and adolescent populations after rigorous evaluation.

Foster Family-based Treatment Association
Year of Publication: 

Who Cares for Children? A Descriptive Study of Care-Related Data Available Through Global Household Surveys and How These Could Be Better Mined to Inform Policies and Services to Strengthen Family Care

This paper argues that better use and mining of existing national household surveys has great potential to inform child protection policy and programming, resulting in increased awareness of this information among child protection practitioners.

Florence S. Martin, Garazi Zulaika
Year of Publication: 

National Child Protection Systems in the East Asia and Pacific Region: A review and analysis of mappings and assessments

A review of mappings and assessments of the child protection system in 14 countries. The principal purpose of the study was to consolidate existing information on the shared strengths, challenges and priorities for developing and strengthening child protection systems in the region that will better safeguard children from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Child Frontiers Ltd,.Guy Thompstone, Vimala Crispin, Carmela Tassone and Shelley Casey
Year of Publication: 

Improving Standards of Care for Alternative Child and Youth Care: Systems, policies and practices

This 2nd conference aimed at moving in the direction of making the world a better place for children, recognizing the current state of the world. The conference addressed the issues of institutionalized children, their aftercare and the transition of institutionalized children and the issues faced by the childcare givers.

Child Protection in Crisis Learning Network
Year of Publication: 

Improving Health and Social Outcomes for Children through the Use of a Community Caregiver Service Provision Model in Cote d’Ivoire

This study examined the impact of community caregivers (CC) on orphan and vulnerable children affected by HIV in Côte d’Ivoire. Study finding show that CCs have a significant impact on OVC lives, improving both social and clinical outcomes. OVC working with a CC had greater access to care than those not supported by a CC.

Andrew M. Muriuki, Samuel Y. Andoh, Hannah Newth, Kendra Blackett-Dibinga, Djedje Biti
Year of Publication: 

Safe Healing and Learning Spaces Toolkit

This multi-part toolkit is culturally and contextually adaptable for the need following disasters and crisis, providing short-term child protection interventions to allow students to safely heal and learn.

International Rescue Committee
Year of Publication: 

Competency-based Workforce Development: A synthesis of current approaches

Finding, selecting, preparing, and retaining the right people for the workforce historically has been a challenge and often an impediment to consistent and positive outcomes. The use of competency models to guide recruitment, selection, preparation, and retention offers one strategy in a comprehensive approach to enhance the child welfare workforce.

National Child Welfare Workforce Institute
Year of Publication: 

Combination Social Protection for Reducing HIV-Risk Behavior Among Adolescents in South Africa

Social protection (ie, cash transfers, free schools, parental support) has potential for adolescent HIV prevention. In real world, high-epidemic conditions, “combination social protection,” shows strong HIV prevention effects for adolescents and may maximize prevention efforts. This paper aims to identify which social protection interventions are most effective and whether combined social protection has greater effects in South Africa.

Cluver, Lucie D. PhD; Orkin, F. Mark PhD; Yakubovich, Alexa R. MSc; Sherr, Lorraine PhD
Year of Publication: 

How Data Protects At-Risk Children: Analytics for child well-being

This document presents the potential benefits of greater use of data – and how public and private child welfare agencies can establish a culture that not only encourages but requires data-driven management techniques.

Susan Smith, Carol Hussey, Jerry Milner, Will Jones
Year of Publication: 

Measuring Better Care: Building the Evidence to Inform Policy and Practice Around Children’s Care

This article from a special issue of Global Social Welfare represents an effort to present state-of-the-art learning about how to measure issues related to children’s care in a way that informs more effective policies and programs.

Mark Canavera, Florence Martin
Year of Publication: 

The Unsolved Challenge of System Reform: The condition of the frontline human services workforce

A in-depth exploration of job conditions on the frontlines for workers in the following sectors: child welfare, child care, juvenile justice, youth services, and employment and training, raises eight key factors that pose the greatest challenge to these workers.

The Annie E Casey Foundation
Year of Publication: 

Children with Traumatic Separation: Information for Professionals

Children may develop posttraumatic responses when separated from their caregiver. Professionals must recognize, assess and address in treatment both the circumstances under which the separation occurred and the underlying cause of the separation, which they identify as traumatic. This resource provides information and suggestions for helping children who experience traumatic separation from a caregiver.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Year of Publication: 


The query yielded 1470 items