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Resources Database

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1470 resources listed:

Community Engagement to Strengthen Social Cohesion and Child Protection in Chad and Burundi: “Bottom up” participatory monitoring, planning and action

This report discusses how child protection can contribute to social cohesion and peace building through various means.

International Institute for Child Rights and Development (IICRD) Dr. Philip Cook, Michele Cook, Natasha Blanchet Cohen, Armel Oguniyi & Jean Sewanou
Year of Publication: 

Resourcing Resilience: The case for social protection for adherence and HIV-related outcomes in children and adolescents in Eastern and Southern Africa

This powerful call to action summarizes and references strong evidence that early childhood is the basis of the future for individuals and for national development. The paper calls investors to recognize the multi-dimensionality of children’s wellbeing by funding holistic packages for young children and caregivers which include: maternal, newborn and children’s nutrition, early childhood care and education, protection from violence and neglect, caregiver support and a safety net.

Lesley Gittings, Elona Toska, Rebecca Hodes, Lucie D. Cluver, Nompumelelo Zungu, Kaymarlin Govender, KE Chademana, Vincent Evans Gutiérrez, Regional Inter-Agency Task Team on Children and AIDS in Eastern and Southern Africa
Year of Publication: 

Protection and Resilience: A simple checklist for why, where and how, to coordinate HIV and child protection policy and programming

There is strong evidence of the cyclical relationship between HIV and violence and that achieving an AIDS-free generation will mean protecting children from violence, abuse and neglect. This short checklist provides practical guidance on how to link HIV and child protection policy and programming.

World Vision, UNICEF
Year of Publication: 

Training for Data Collectors on PEPFAR Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting Essential Survey Indicators: Facilitator’s Guide

As part of its monitoring, evaluation, and reporting guidance, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has launched a set of essential indicators for measuring the effectiveness of these OVC programs that address holistic well-being for children and their families over time.

Dr. Mary Faith Mount-Cors, Dr. Lisa Parker, Dr. Jenifer Chapman, Mari Hickmann
Year of Publication: 

Global Study on the Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism: Regional Report South Asia

More children than ever are at risk of being sexually exploited by travelers and tourists. With a steady increase in travel in the region and the explosion of the internet and mobile technology, perpetrators have more ways to maintain anonymity and reach children. Home-stays, voluntourism and the shareconomy have increased this anonymity and heightened children’s vulnerability.

Johanna Walin, ECPAT International
Year of Publication: 

Family Engagement: Partnering with Families to Improve Child Welfare Outcomes

Effective family engagement occurs when child welfare practitioners actively collaborate and partner with family members throughout their involvement with the child welfare system, recognizing them as the experts on their respective situations and empowering them in the process.

Child Welfare Information Gateway
Year of Publication: 

Factors Related to the Placement into and Reintegration of Children from Catholic-affiliated Residential Care Facilities in Zambia

This report is a result of a study of the reasons for placing children within Catholic residential care in Zambia. The findings serve as the basis for shaping the involvement of Catholic-affiliated residential care facilities in particular with advancing the government's strategy and gaining momentum with key stakeholders for care reform toward an alternative care approach.

Catholic Relief Services
Year of Publication: 

Where Its Needed Most: Quality Professional Development for All Teachers

As teachers play a critical role in shaping the future of their students, their role should not be an afterthought but should be an integral plart of the prepardness and planning phase for education in emergencies. Experts from the around provided input and recommendations for teaching standards in these environments, resulting in this guide.

Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies
Year of Publication: 

What Child Welfare Caseworkers Need to Go Mobile

Mobility and access to mobile devices are not yet a regular part of the caseworker’s professional career. According to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), child welfare agencies are about 10 years behind the private sector when it comes to the use of technology. This article demonstrates how mobile access to case management systems, data and information, assessment and referral capabilities and other tools could go a long way toward reducing caseloads and workload, and improving worker efficiency.

IBM Watson Health
Year of Publication: 

Review of Legislation and Policies that Support the Social Service Workforce in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

This report from the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance offers a snapshot of social service workforce-supportive policies and legislation in selected countries and provides examples of aspects of legislation that feature the workforce.

Gillian Huebner, Global Social Service Workforce Alliance
Year of Publication: 

Comprehensive Report and Summary on the Review of the White Paper for Social Welfare 1997

This report is a review of the White Paper for Social Welfare 1997, enacted by the Dept. of Social Development 19 years ago. It contains key observations and proposals in order to provide input to the government concerning updates to the bill in areas affecting the social service profession and means of service delivery.

Department of Social Development South Africa
Year of Publication: 

Protecting Cambodian Children? The role of Commune Committees for Women and Children and informal community-based child protection mechanisms in Cambodia

Using largely qualitative methods, this review of Commune Committees for Women and Children in Cambodia shows an expanding range of services being provided to children with some success, but lack of resources and technical capacity negatively impacted their success.

Jordanwood, M.
Year of Publication: 

Beyond Survival: The case for investing in young children globally

Coordinated, evidence-based investments must be made across sectors to ensure that children not only survive but also thrive. This paper is a call to action and aims to close the gap between what is known and what is done to support the development of children globally.

G. Huebner, N. Boothby, J. L. Aber, G. L. Darmstadt, A. Diaz, A. S. Masten, H. Yoshikawa, I. Redlener, A. Emmel, M. Pitt, L. Arnold, B. Barber, B. Berman, R. Blum, M. Canavera, J. Eckerle, N. A. Fox, J. L. Gibbons, S. W. Hargarten, C. Landers, C. A. Nelso
Year of Publication: 

Adapting to Learn, Learning to Adapt - Overview of and considerations for child protection systems strengthening in emergencies

Drawing from extensive prior research, this document highlights key considerations that child protection humanitarian actors should take into account if they intend for their efforts to strengthen family-, community-, and national-level child protection systems.

Child Frontiers
Year of Publication: 

Promoting Uptake of Child HIV Testing: An evaluation of the role of a home visiting program for orphans and vulnerable children in South Africa

Significant shortfalls in HIV counseling and testing (HCT) exist among orphans and others at disproportionate risk of infection. This study reviews how home visits by para professional community-based care workers to orphaned and vulnerable children in South Africa increased children’s uptake of HCT.

Tonya R. Thurman, Brian Luckett, Tory Taylor & Melissa Carnay
Year of Publication: 

Case Management Toolkit: A user's guide for strengthening case management services in child welfare

A Toolkit was developed for the Europe and Eurasia Bureau of the United States Agency for International Development. It provides the user with a comprehensive assessment framework for analyzing current systems, procedures, and practices against international standards and professional case management practices at both the case level and system level

Davis, R. T. & Simmel, C.
Year of Publication: 

Child Protection Case Management Framework

This framework has been developed with the aim of providing standard procedures, assessment and planning tools, and guidance in the delivery of case management services. As Malawi moves forward to build a holistic child protection system, case management will serve as a core anchor and a mobilizing force for child protection.

The Government of Malawi
Year of Publication: 


The query yielded 1470 items