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Resources Database

Example: A search for contin would match titles containing continuum, discontinue, continuation, etc.

1470 resources listed:

Strategies to Promote Research Use in Child Welfare

Increasing the use of research evidence in decision-making is critical to ensuring that agencies effectively serve families in producing intended outcomes, including the safe achievement of legal permanency through reunification, adoption, or guardianship. This document provides a catalog of strategies drawn from several fields (social work, public health, education) and research traditions (implementation science, utilization-focused evaluation, social research and development (R&D), and translational research).

Casey Family Programs
Year of Publication: 

A Case for Investing in HIV-Sensitive Social Services for Vulnerable Children in Nigeria

A desk review was conducted to examine the current gaps in investment related to care and treatment for children living with or affected by HIV.There is a need for an investment case to clearly articulate and advocate for increased financial support for an HIV sensitive social service system that can adequately address and respond to the needs of vulnerable children.

Shar Kurtishi, David Akpan, Tapfuma Murove, Kelley Bunkers, Doreen Magaji
Year of Publication: 

The Grand Challenges of Social Work: Deaf children in the child welfare system

Deaf children involved with child welfare systems are often overlooked both in terms of tracking and service delivery. These systems frequently do not offer accessible and equitable services to deaf children. The current paper explores this in terms of the Social Work Grand Challenge: Healthy growth and development of all youth. Literature regarding child welfare services for deaf children is discussed.

Miriam Elizabeth Bowman
Year of Publication: 

Strengthening and Supporting the Early Childhood Workforce: Training and professional development

To increase the evidence base on the benefits of early childhood development, a four-part series of global landscape analyses are being conducted to establish the size and scope of the challenges faced by the early childhood workforce, while also highlighting promising practices countries have adopted in response to these challenges. This second resource focuses on the training and professional development of this workforce.

Early Childhood Workforce Initiative
Year of Publication: 

Parental Resilience: Protective and Promotive Factors Action Sheet

Constructive and supportive social connections help buffer parents from stressors and support nurturing parenting behaviors that promote secure attachments in young children. Therefore, parents’ high quality social connections are beneficial to both the adults and the children. This action sheet offers strategies that may assist in engaging families in developing social connections.

Center for the Study of Social Policy
Year of Publication: 

Strengthening and Supporting the Early Childhood Workforce: Competences and standards

To inform and guide the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative, this global landscape analysis aims to establish the size and scope of the challenges faced by the early childhood workforce, while also highlighting promising practices countries have adopted in response to these challenges. Covering a range of roles, this analysis aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the current status of the workforce worldwide. In this report, competences encompass the requirements and expectations for what early childhood professionals and paraprofessionals should know and be able to do.

Putcha, V., Results for Development
Year of Publication: 

Supervision During Social Work Education and Training in Francophone West Africa: Conceptual frameworks and empirical evidence from Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire

This article presents research exploring the conceptualization and practice of supervision during social worker training in Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire, Francophone West African countries whose social work education frameworks and processes are nearly absent in the academic literature.

Mark Canavera & Bree Akesson
Year of Publication: 

Referral Mechanisms for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV

Linkages between the social service system are especially relevant within OVC programming given that children and families affected by HIV and other adversities tend to have multiple vulnerabilities that require services and support provided by both sectors. This brief provides an overview of referral mechanisms and the importance of collaboration with other sectors.

Year of Publication: 

Safety, Trust, and Disclosure: A qualitative examination of violence against refugee adolescents in Kiziba Camp, Rwanda

Refugee adolescents face increased vulnerability to child protection risks including abuse, neglect, violence, and exploitation. The aim of this qualitative study was to examine the nature of violence against adolescents in Kiziba Camp, Rwanda, using an ecological framework to analyze the factors that influence protection risks and abuse disclosure across multiple system levels.

Laura Gauer Bermudeza, Lauren Parks, Sarah R.Meyer, Liberata Muhorakeye, Lindsay Stark
Year of Publication: 

Integrating Violence Against Children Prevention and Response Interventions within PEPFAR HIV Pediatric Testing, Care and Treatment

This summary report is derived from key informant interviews and a desk review. It includes service providers' awareness of and engagement with potential VAC-HIV synergies and highlights existing practices to prevent and/or respond to cases of violence against children within services, as well as barriers and opportunities to making linkages.

4Children, Aften Beeler, Severine Chevrel, Sian Long, Kristin Weinhauer
Year of Publication: 

Design Team Manual

Design Teams help agencies improve their workplace and cope with change through interventions designed and implemented by a team representing all agency levels. This manual provides information about how to implement Design Teams, the rationale of and research about Design Teams, examples of various documents related to Design Teams, and a variety of resources to assist with implementation.

Butler Institute for Families
Year of Publication: 

Learning, Negotiating, and Surviving in Child Welfare: Social capitalization among recently hired workers

Using telephone interviews with a statewide sample of recently hired, frontline workers, this study applied a social capital framework to consider support functionality or capitalization. Findings highlight that, although nearly all workers recognized the importance of instrumental and expressive support, many workers did not capitalize on support.

Melissa Radey, Lisa Schelbe, Carmella L. Spinelli
Year of Publication: 

Family Preservation or Child Safety? Associations between child welfare workers' experience, position, and perspectives

Assessing a number of worker characteristics, an analysis of the Dalgleish Scale (an instrument designed to measure the perspectives of workers across the continuum of child safety versus family preservation beliefs) revealed that staff who have worked in child welfare longer are more likely to be oriented toward family preservation, whereas staff working in the field for a shorter time period or rating the shared vision among staff higher are more likely to be oriented toward child safety.

John D.Fluke, Tyler W.Corwin, Dana M.Hollinshead, Erin J.Maherb
Year of Publication: 

Family Preservation or Child Safety? How experience and position shape child welfare workers’ perspectives

This is a presentation delivered at the 2015 International Conference on Innovations in Family Engagement that highlights the dynamics of child protection systems and the intersection and challenges of family preservation and child safety in child protection situations.

John Fluke and Dana Hollinshead, Tyler Corwin, Kristina Nikolova, Kristen Lwin
Year of Publication: 

Education & Child Protection in Emergencies: Joint rapid needs assessment, Rohingya refugee response

The report presents key findings from the assessment as well as recommendations for government and other actors. Child Protection-related findings include data on the risks and safety of Rohingya refugee children (including family separation), unaccompanied and separated children, violence against children, and child marriage and trafficking, among other concerns.

UNICEF, UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Year of Publication: 


The query yielded 1470 items