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Resources Database

Example: A search for contin would match titles containing continuum, discontinue, continuation, etc.

1470 resources listed:

Kinship Care: State of the Nation 2018

The Kinship Care: State of the Nation 2018 survey is the largest survey ever of kinship carers in the UK. As in previous years, it shows that many carers aren't getting the support they need to enable children to thrive, including 32% of carers who said they were worried about their mental and physical health and their ability to carry out their kinship care role.

Olivia Mervyn-Smith - Grandparents Plus
Year of Publication: 

Bulletin for Professionals: Working With Kinship Caregivers

The growing need for kinship families and related support services has led many States to launch kinship awareness campaigns to recognize the tremendous contribution these caregivers make, the challenges they face, and the help they need. This bulletin highlights supports and services for kinship caregivers, training for caseworkers and caregivers, and examples of successful kinship care programs.

U.S. Children's Bureau
Year of Publication: 

Child Welfare Caseworkers and Children with Developmental Disabilities: An Exploratory Study

Although caseworkers play a key role in ensuring that the special needs of these children are met, little is known regarding caseworkers’ knowledge about, exposure to, and comfort with people with developmental disabilities. In this exploratory study, local county caseworkers were asked to self-rate their knowledge, exposure, and comfort levels. Findings indicated caseworker agreement regarding the relevance of having knowledge and training about this population within the child welfare system.

Trupti Rao, Elizabeth Reiman, Ashley Ausikaitis
Year of Publication: 

Children in Moldova are Cared for in Safe and Secure Families Project

This final project report highlights some of the lessons and achievements in Moldova toward helping government improve national child care and child protection policies and legislation and build capacity through training to support the transition of the child care system towards family- and community-based services. The project also worked with district-specific social service systems built on family support, alternative care, and child protection; capacity building/training; inclusive education; financial management; child participation; and deinstitutionalization.

Partnerships for Every Child
Year of Publication: 

Identifying and Addressing Risk in the Implementation of Alternative Care Policies in Cambodia

This short human rights in action article take a critical approach to the translation of alternative care and child protection policies to practice and highlights risks involved with haste, outcomes measured in numbers and unrealistic timeframes, and rapidly transforming practice with nascent investment in a country’s capacity to assess and respond to the real needs of children and families within their communities.

Patricia Fronek, Robert Common, Karen Smith Rotabi, Johnny Statham
Year of Publication: 

Integrating Health Care and Social Services for People with Serious Illness: Proceedings of a workshop

During a workshop proceeding, speakers examined the rationale for integration of health care and social services for people with serious illness, explored examples of innovative partnerships and collaborations that provide integrated services, and discussed the potential policy challenges and opportunities for integrating health care and social services. The workshop also featured a session devoted to the unique role and needs of family caregivers, who often serve as a bridge between the health care and social services sectors.

National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine
Year of Publication: 

Towards Universal Social Protection for Children: Achieving SDG 1.3

This report shows how cash benefits are proven to have significant, wide-ranging, positive impacts on children’s lives, but that they must be part of integrated social protection and broader social policy programming that includes childcare and social services as well.

Ian Orton, Dominic Richardson and David Stewart
Year of Publication: 

Resource Compendium for Integration of Early Childhood Development into Programs for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV

This compendium includes various tools, visuals, tips and suggestions for how they can be applied through clinical health care, family case management and home visits, early childhood education and parenting programs.

4Children, Catholic Relief Services
Year of Publication: 

National Referral Protocol on Gender Based Violence

This technical guidance document aims to ensure that all survivors/victims of GBV (Domestic and sexual violence) receive a prompt and comprehensive response from service providers in terms of medical, psychosocial and legal support; and also considering the current reporting mechanisms. This resource includes details on ensuring confidentiality from service providers and holistic care.

Government of Sierra Leone
Year of Publication: 

Child Neglect in Humanitarian Settings

The document highlights the importance of strengthening protective factors, including the provision of quality social services, to address child neglect.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Proteknon Consulting Group
Year of Publication: 

Human Services Management Competencies

This document specifies and details competencies with performance indicators necessary to successfully manage human services organizations through the following four domains: Executive Leadership, Resource Management, Strategic Management and Community Collaboration. These domains and the competencies therein are intended to be a framework for describing the skills necessary for the successful management of both public and private human service organizations.

The Network for Social Work Management
Year of Publication: 

WHO Guideline on Health Policy and System Support to Optimize Community Health Worker Programmes

This resource related to community health worker remuneration, training and education, data collection, certification, career ladder, supervision, offers best practices that can be replicated by social service workers and other community service providers. The data demonstrates that when all of these factors are considered and met, CHWs are best positioned to provide needed community services and improve health outcomes.

World Health Organization
Year of Publication: 

Where is Developmental Social Work as Social Work Practice Method in Tanzania? The case of Dar es Salaam Region

Developmental social work is a process of planned social change designed to promote the well-being of the population. The main objective of this study was to be realized by: examining social workers knowledge and perceptions towards developmental social work, identifying challenges faced by social workers on the utilization of developmental social work and exploring social workers’ suggestions on improving the utilization of developmental social work.

William Manyama
Year of Publication: 

What does Effectiveness Mean? A qualitative assessment of two child protection systems

Interviews conducted with child protective services administrators and workers show that they are unaware of empirical evidence to support effectiveness and are unable to determine how to measure effectiveness. This article suggests collecting quality data and partnering with systems, such as healthcare, that have the infrastructure already in place for collection of this data.

Karen Albright, Laura Schwab Reese, Richard D. Krugman
Year of Publication: 

Identifying and Addressing Risk in the Implementation of Alternative Care Policies in Cambodia

Cambodia is moving forward with family-based alternative care initiatives that build on existing efforts to strengthen the child protection system. This short human rights in action article take a critical approach to the translation of policy to practice, highlighting the importance of collaboration between government and civil society, building workforce capacity and gatekeeping initiatives is discussed as essential to address challenges while strengthening responses to vulnerable children and families.

Patricia Fronek, Robert Common, Karen Smith Rotabi, Johnny Statham
Year of Publication: 

Resilience-based Approaches for Street-connected Children Exposed to Sexual Abuse and Sexual Exploitation

This report has been written for practitioners, academics, policy-makers and grant-making institutions. The learnings provide useful information for organisations which might be thinking about designing, implementing, funding or evaluating resilience-based work with street-connected children exposed to sexual abuse and sexual exploitation.

Dr. Ruth Edmonds
Year of Publication: 


The query yielded 1470 items