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Resources Database

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1470 resources listed:

Strengthening Supportive Supervision at the District Health Level in the Pacific

This health workforce management policy brief highlights the importance of supervision for health worker performance and achieving health development goals; however, the brief also notes that supportive supervision within health systems in the Pacific is rated poorly. The brief reviews the challenges to overcome and makes recommendations to governments for improved supportive supervision.

Augustine Asante and Graham Roberts
Year of Publication: 

Support Supervision Guide for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children Service Delivery

This guide aims to facilitate provision of technical support and quality assurance for OVC services and interventions in a comprehensive manner by different stakeholders. It is expected that the national ministry will use this tool to supervise Technical Services Originations (TSOs), local governments and stakeholders. The higher local government, particularly the Community Based Service Departments (CBSDs), will use this tool to provide support supervision to lower local government and the community level OVC service providers.

Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development Uganda
Year of Publication: 

Training for Mid-Level Managers: Supportive supervision

This module is aimed at mid-level managers in the context of vaccine services, but provides valuable lessons on establishing supportive supervision systems, planning of visits and follow up activities after visits. Included is a sample supervisory checklist.

World Health Organization, Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals
Year of Publication: 

Standards for Employers of Social Workers in England and Supervision Framework

These standards and the framework set out the shared core expectations of employers which will enable social workers in all employment settings to work effectively. The Standards and Framework build upon existing tools and are intended to inform the revised inspection frameworks that will be aligned to this developing approach to public service regulation.

Social Work Reform Board
Year of Publication: 

Building a Model and Framework for Child Welfare Supervision

Tasked with examining the responsibilities and needs of supervisory staff to develop an organizational framework to support effective child welfare supervision, authors developed this resource as a roadmap for agency leaders as they think through ways to build and sustain effective child welfare supervision in their agencies.

Peg Hess, PhD; Susan Kanak, Julie Atkins, Children's Bureau
Year of Publication: 

A Manual for Comprehensive Supportive Supervision and Mentoring on HIV and AIDS Health Services

This manual is intended to define supportive supervision and mentoring, offer guidelines for setting up a national supportive supervision system and the structure of the system, and detail the mentoring process in the context of HIV and AIDS service delivery.

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tanzania
Year of Publication: 

M'Lop Tapang Staff Supervision Policy and Guidelines

M’Lop Tapang recognizes that supervision is an essential component of quality social work services for children and families. This document is intended to define supervision that is available and ensure it is available to all social service workers for professional development, training and quality purposes.

Year of Publication: 

Humanitarian - Development Nexus and Child Protection: Sharing responsibility for children’s protection – addressing risks and vulnerabilities through cohesive partnerships

This paper reviews some of the challenges we can expect to face in the near future from conflict, extreme weather events, poverty and population growth and suggests that humanitarian response alone will be unable to sufficiently meet those challenges. It looks at the history of the "nexus" concept and presents ways in which this approach can strengthen and transform humanitarian child protection. 

Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Year of Publication: 

What Works to Prevent Sexual Abuse Against Children

Response and support services including services by social service workers for counseling, foster care and child protection, are among the main success factors in preventing and addressing all forms of violence against children, including sexual abuse, as this review shows.

Together for Girls, Oak Foundation, Equality Institute
Year of Publication: 

The Feasibility of Mindfulness Training to Reduce Stress among Social Workers: A Conceptual Paper

The health and well-being of social workers are attracting attention from researchers, organisations and the profession itself. Mindfulness intervention studies across a multitude of groups have yielded positive effects, including the alleviation of mental health difficulties for numerous populations. However, the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions with social workers is yet to be determined.

Oliver W J Beer, Rebecca Phillips, Lois Stepney, Camille R Quinn
Year of Publication: 

Strengthening Child Protection Systems: Guidance for Country Offices

Building child protection systems is a priority sub-theme in the Global Results Framework (GRF). This guidance has been produced by the Child Protection Systems Task Group and works to GRF indicators for this sub-theme. The guidance presents conceptual and practical guidance for strengthening national and sub-national child protection systems. This guidance is intended for Save the Children staff as well as partners working across development and humanitarian sectors, to understand and determine their role(s) in strengthening the child protection system in their context.

Save the Children
Year of Publication: 

Coaching and Mentoring in Social Work - A review of the evidence

The findings in this report suggest that both coaching and mentoring have positive implications for social workers and the organisations within which they work. More research is needed to identify which models of coaching and mentoring are associated with the best outcomes for social workers, social work organisations and service users.

McMurray Anne, Rochford Sarah, Kennedy Lisa-Ann
Year of Publication: 

Promoting and Protecting the Rights of Children: A formative evaluation of UNICEF’S child protection programme in Cambodia volume 1

This evaluation explores the effectiveness of UNICEF Cambodia's reintegration and prevention programming, including efforts to reintegrate children from institutional care and into family-based care.

Professor Dame Carolyn Hamilton (Team Leader), Kara Apland, Elizabeth Yarrow and Dr Anna Mackin, with support provided by Soksan Tem and Phally Keo, on behalf of Coram International
Year of Publication: 

Resources for Safe Spaces for Children in Humanitarian Settings

Safe Spaces for children, including Child Friendly Spaces (CFS), are interventions used by humanitarian agencies to increase children’s access to safe environments and promote their psychosocial well-being. Some Safe Spaces may focus on informal education or other needs related to children. However, all try to provide a child-centered place where children can come together to play, relax, express themselves, feel supported, and learn skills to deal with the challenges they face.

International Rescue Committee
Year of Publication: 

The Role of Rights-Based Social Work in Contemporary Latin American Diasporas: The case of Venezuelan migrant children

This article provides a children’s rights-based approach for social workers who are directly involved in social work with migrant children. Even though the scope of analysis was directed to the experience of Venezuelan migrant children, this research can serve as an important source to guide social workers involved with child migrants in different social and geographical backgrounds.

Maria de Lourdes Alves Lima Zanatta, Erick da Luz Scherf
Year of Publication: 


The query yielded 1470 items