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Resources Database

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1470 resources listed:

The Isibindi Model: Introducing Community Child and Youth Care Workers

This is a PowerPoint presentation by Zeni Thumbadoo from the April 2014 Symposium “Supporting Families, Building a Better Tomorrow for Children: The Role of the Social Service Workforce” hosted by the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance. She discusses the Isibindi Model demonstrating the work of Community Child and Youth Care Workers, in South Africa.  The model has established program standards for replication and is being scaled up nationwide

Zeni Thumbadoo
Year of Publication: 

How Can Community-Based Child Protection Mechanisms Be Supported?

This is a PowerPoint presentation by Mike Wessells from the April 2014 Symposium “Supporting Families, Building a Better Tomorrow for Children: The Role of the Social Service Workforce” hosted by the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance.  The presentation reviews factors contributing to the effectiveness and sustainability of community-based child focused groups and the roles of the social service workforce in supporting these community groups.

Mike Wessells
Year of Publication: 

Community Based Initiatives: Building capacity of community groups and families in care and protection of children

This is a PowerPoint presentation by Patrick Onyango Mangen from the April 2014 Symposium “Supporting Families, Building a Better Tomorrow for Children: The Role of the Social Service Workforce” hosted by the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance.  The presentation provides an overview of cascading and multi-tiered approaches to skilling the social service workforce in child protection.  It provides a case study on workforce support to community-based service delivery structures in Somalia, an example from Karamoja, Uganda that incorporated an accredited university certif

Patrick Onyango Mangen
Year of Publication: 

Strengthening Families through Para Professionals in the Social Service Workforce

This is a PowerPoint presentation by Nathan Linsk from the April 2014 Symposium “Supporting Families, Building a Better Tomorrow for Children: The Role of the Social Service Workforce” hosted by the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance.  He discusses the community-based workforce of social service para professionals, outlining the critical work they do to strengthen families, the challenges they face and next steps in the global contribution for strengthening this workforce.

Nathan Linsk
Year of Publication: 

The Impact of Community Caregivers in Côte d’Ivoire: Improving Health and Social Outcomes through Community Caregivers

This study sought to understand how community caregivers impact access to health care and social services for these children and families. The study found that households that received community caregiver support received better care and had better clinical and social outcomes than those not being supported by a community caregiver. Programs should consider using community caregivers to support adherence to treatment, improve psychosocial wellbeing of caregivers and children, and increase overall access to needed services.

Andrew M. Muriuki, Samuel Y. Andoh, Hannah Newth, Kendra Blackett-Dibinga, Djedje Biti
Year of Publication: 

Changing the Paradigm - Save the Children's Work to Strengthen the Child Protection System in Indonesia

Save the Children’s work on shifting the paradigm of alternative care for children in Indonesia is a work in progress that began in 2005 and will continue until at least 2017. The goal is not only to improve child protection and family based care for children in Indonesia but also to develop a program that can be replicated in other countries. This report provides in-depth information for the entire seven years that this program has been in existence, including case studies.

Save the Children
Year of Publication: 

Case Study: Creating a Competent Workforce by Training Social Workers in Indonesia

This Fact Sheet provides a brief overview of Save the Children’s work in Indonesia with the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Indonesia Association of Social Work Education (IPPSI), Indonesia Association of Social Workers (IPSPI) and the National Council of Social Welfare (DNIKS) to create a regulatory framework for the social work profession including certification, licensing and training/education.

Save the Children
Year of Publication: 

Child, Caregiver and Household Well-being Survey Tools for OVC Programs – Manual

This manual describes the purpose of the orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) program evaluation tools, including when to use these tools, and how to use the tools. The manual also includes information on how the tools have been used to date, and how data generated from them can be used to support program planning and management. In the appendices, a question-by-question breakdown of all three survey tools is provided.

MEASURE Evaluation
Year of Publication: 

Child, Caregiver and Household Well-being Survey Tools for OVC Programs – Protocol Template

This template protocol has been developed for use by local and international investigators and other research stakeholders, such as program managers, donors, and government that are implementing research involving orphans and vulnerable children. The process of protocol development enables discussion and agreement on the implementation strategy and child protection issues, among other concerns. This process improves the study design, enables matching of resources to objectives, and ultimately improves the usability of the data generated from the study.

MEASURE Evaluation
Year of Publication: 

Caring for Carers - Managing stress in those who care for people with HIV and AIDS

This UNAIDS Case Study looks at what care programmes for people with HIV and AIDS are doing to minimize stress and burnout.  Interviews with AIDS Support Organizations (ASOs) in Uganda and South Africa were held with a range of people including: managers and supervisors of care teams; carers on the staff of ASOs; community volunteers; primary carers within families; and individuals with expertise in this field.

Year of Publication: 

National Plan of Action for Orphans and Vulnerable Children – Swaziland

This National Plan of Action (NPA) for Orphans and Vulnerable Children is linked to the National Multisectoral HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan 2006 -2008 and the National HIV and AIDS Policy. It arises out of a recognised need for practical steps and widespread cooperation to ensure the rights of all children are fully met in Swaziland. This Plan, therefore, outlines clear actions to be taken, necessary to promote the survival, growth, well being, development and protection of OVC.

Kingdom of Swaziland
Year of Publication: 

PEPFAR Guidance for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Programming

The purpose of this guidance is to help PEPFAR country teams and implementing partners develop country operational plans (COPs) and design programs that support vulnerable children in their contexts, align with known best practice, and incorporate potential innovation. It seeks to aid teams in identifying and implementing appropriate, evidence-based, and cost-effective activities that will maximize improvement in the well-being of vulnerable children in the epidemic and close gaps in past programming efforts.

Year of Publication: 

Strengthening Supportive Supervision at the District Health Level in the Pacific: Health Workforce Management Policy Brief

This policy brief describes challenges of implementing supportive supervision within the health sector in the Pacific and provides recommendations for governments to overcome the current challenges.   It was produced by the Human Resources for Health Knowledge Hub, University of New South Wales. The Knowledge Hubs Initiative is a strategic partnership funded by AusAID as part of the Australian Government’s commitment to meeting the Millennium Development Goals and improving health in the Asia and Pacific regions.

Augustine Asante & Graham Roberts, UNSW
Year of Publication: 

Implementation of a Mental Health Care Package for Children in Areas of Armed Conflict: Case Study from Burundi, Indonesia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Sudan

Systematic reviews of child focused psychosocial and mental health interventions have identified the large gaps that can exist in this field between research and practice, particularly the limited evidence base for some interventions offered in settings affected by conflict and violence. The package of care described in this case study sought to address some of these issues by using a methodology incorporating a synergistic relationship between research and practice – one that would allow ‘fine tuning’ of both processes.

Jordans, M.J.D., Tol, W.A., Susanty, D., Ntamatumba, P., Luitel, N.P. et al
Year of Publication: 

Prevention of Professional Burn-out of Care Workers: Self-Care and Organizational Care

This document is a 2-day training module that is part of “Work For Care; Sexual and Domestic Violence During and After War, A Trainers’ Manual” produced by Admira Foundation.  Under circumstances of war and conflict, helping others may help to reduce our own feelings of helplessness in the face of so much suffering and destruction. What many care workers do not realise however, is the impact of their work on themselves. The suffering of clients, in combination with limited sources and possibilities to help, can be overwhelming and can cause various forms of professional stress.

Admira Foundation
Year of Publication: 

Psychological Distress, Depression, Anxiety, and Burnout among International Humanitarian Aid Workers: A Longitudinal Study

International humanitarian aid workers providing care in emergencies are subjected to numerous chronic and traumatic stressors.  This longitudinal study aimed to examine consequences of such experiences on aid workers’ mental health and how the impact is influenced by moderating variables.  A main conclusion of the report is that when recruiting and preparing aid workers for deployment, organizations should consider history of mental illness and take steps to decrease chronic stressors, and strengthen social support networks.

Lopes Cardozo B, Gotway Crawford C, Eriksson C, Zhu J, Sabin M, et al.
Year of Publication: 

International Workforce Initiatives: Definitions, Design Options, and Project Profiles

This publication is intended for three primary audiences: international development professionals who want to define “workforce” for program design purposes, those who seek information about field activities, and those who want to reflect on the implementation of successful, high impact programs—whether they were broad-based or sector-specific projects or local activities. The goal is to provide readers with options and strategies for connecting diverse sets of development objectives through international workforce initiatives.

J.W. Wright, Jr., AED
Year of Publication: 


The query yielded 1470 items