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1470 resources listed:

Report of the Mapping and Assessment of Child Protection Systems in Edo State Nigeria

This report presents findings and insights generated through a mapping and assessment of 6 state child protection systems in Nigeria. The process began in September 2013 and was completed in 2014. The goal of the mapping was to provide State actors with a profile of existing child protection systems and to provide recommendations to remedy existing gaps as revealed through the mapping exercise. This report serves as a guide towards strengthening the existing formal and informal child protection components (including the social service workforce), functions and local context.

Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development
Year of Publication: 

Report of the Mapping and Assessment of Child Protection Systems in FCT Nigeria

This report presents findings and insights generated through a mapping and assessment of 6 state child protection systems in Nigeria. The process began in September 2013 and was completed in 2014. The goal of the mapping was to provide State actors with a profile of existing child protection systems and to provide recommendations to remedy existing gaps as revealed through the mapping exercise. This report serves as a guide towards strengthening the existing formal and informal child protection components (including the social service workforce), functions and local context.

Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development
Year of Publication: 

Report of the Mapping and Assessment of Child Protection Systems in Kaduna State Nigeria

This report presents findings and insights generated through a mapping and assessment of 6 state child protection systems in Nigeria. The process began in September 2013 and was completed in 2014. The goal of the mapping was to provide State actors with a profile of existing child protection systems and to provide recommendations to remedy existing gaps as revealed through the mapping exercise. This report serves as a guide towards strengthening the existing formal and informal child protection components (including the social service workforce), functions and local context.

Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development
Year of Publication: 

Report of the Mapping and Assessment of Child Protection Systems in Kano State Nigeria

This report presents findings and insights generated through a mapping and assessment of 6 state child protection systems in Nigeria. The process began in September 2013 and was completed in 2014. The goal of the mapping was to provide State actors with a profile of existing child protection systems and to provide recommendations to remedy existing gaps as revealed through the mapping exercise. This report serves as a guide towards strengthening the existing formal and informal child protection components (including the social service workforce), functions and local context.

Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development
Year of Publication: 

Report of the Mapping and Assessment of Child Protection Systems in Plateau State Nigeria

This report presents findings and insights generated through a mapping and assessment of 6 state child protection systems in Nigeria. The process began in September 2013 and was completed in 2014. The goal of the mapping was to provide State actors with a profile of existing child protection systems and to provide recommendations to remedy existing gaps as revealed through the mapping exercise. This report serves as a guide towards strengthening the existing formal and informal child protection components (including the social service workforce), functions and local context.

Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development
Year of Publication: 

Assessment of the Social Welfare Workforce in Tanzania

The social welfare workforce assessment was undertaken in order to establish the existing situation and composition of the social welfare workforce within Tanzania, including a review of the policy and legal environment which give mandate and legitimacy to its work. Specifically the assessment has sought to gather demographic information of social welfare workers currently working in Tanzania, document the social welfare services being provided by social welfare institutions/agencies, and provide a profile of social welfare workers, their expected roles and activities.

United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Department of Social Welfare
Year of Publication: 

The Composition of the Social Service Workforce in HIV/AIDS-Affected Contexts

The purpose of this technical report is to provide a description of the composition of the social service workforce, including typical functions, titles, and levels and types of education and training. The report is intended to stimulate discussion and help the field move toward a common understanding of 1) functions associated with different cadres within the social service workforce, 2) titles associated with workers who perform these functions, and 3) education or training that is typically associated with these cadres.

Kelley Bunkers, Amy Bess, Alex Collins, and James McCaffery and Maury Mendenhall
Year of Publication: 

DSW Capacity Building Plan to Implement the Guidelines for Children without Appropriate Care: Rapid context assessment final report

The Department of Social Welfare (DSW) in Liberia, in consultation with stakeholders, has prioritized development of a new social welfare program focusing on Children Without Appropriate Care.  The objective of this context assessment was to collect all relevant information to support the development of the DSW’s institutional capacities to execute the new framework for alternative care in Liberia, for the benefit of children without appropriate care.  The assessment will help lead to the development of a capacity building plan to guide the process of building the DSW’s capacities to implem

Maestral International
Year of Publication: 

Developing Social Care and Support Services in Uganda: A literature review of international experience in implementing social care and support services and considerations for the Ugandan context

This paper provides a review of international and Ugandan literature on social care and support services particularly focusing on identifying key lessons that are relevant to the Ugandan context. The paper was developed as the first stage of a study carried out by Oxford Policy Management which aims to provide advice to develop the vision, strategic approach and priority areas of intervention for social care services policy and programming in Uganda.

Oxford Policy Management
Year of Publication: 

A Framework to Design, Test, Spread, and Sustain Effective Practice in Child Welfare

Building on the momentum created during the 2011 National Child Welfare Evaluation Summit, the Children’s Bureau convened three Child Welfare Research and Evaluation Workgroups. Each workgroup examined a particular evaluation topic or issue, with the goal of improving child welfare research and evaluation and strengthening the link between research and practice.  This document is a practical guide for strengthening child welfare systems.

Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Year of Publication: 

Psychosocial care and support for older carers of orphaned and vulnerable children: Policy guidelines

In recognition of the need to address the psychosocial needs of older caregivers HelpAge collaborated with REPSSI to develop Policy Guidelines for Psychosocial Care and Support for Older Carers of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children affected by HIV and AIDS. The Policy Guidelines document is intended to offer a concise description of the concept of psychosocial support and how it relates to older careers of orphaned and vulnerable children in a time of HIV and AIDS. It offers recommended strategic focus areas which may be used to influence policies which provide support for older carers.

REPSSI and HelpAge International
Year of Publication: 

Psychosocial care and support for older carers of orphaned and vulnerable children: Programming guidelines

In recognition of the need to address the psychosocial needs of older caregivers HelpAge collaborated with REPSSI to develop guidelines. These programming guidelines were especially developed with the aim of impacting on the wellbeing of older carers living in situations of poverty and in a time of HIV and AIDS. The aim of this set of resource materials is to enable home based caregivers, development facilitators and peer counsellors to have relevant information and guidance on strengthening psychosocial care and support to older carers.

REPSSI and HelpAge International
Year of Publication: 

Training and Supporting Older People to Be Home or Community Based Carers

Ninety per cent of care for people living with HIV is carried out in the home, by family or members of the community. Many of these carers are older people, predominantly older women. This document provides guidelines for addressing challenges faced by older carers (including poor health, financial hardships, psychosocial impacts, time poverty and stigma) and for training and supporting older carers.

HelpAge International
Year of Publication: 

Older People in Emergencies: Identifying and reducing risks

This document systematically reviews the main risks (defined as potential adverse consequences of a crisis) to which older people are exposed in emergency situations. It is intended for humanitarian practitioners and emergency managers involved in the design and implementation of emergency programs. For each risk, under “key actions” the document lists simple measures that can be taken within the standard programming and funding parameters of humanitarian organizations to reduce risks for older people in emergencies.

HelpAge International
Year of Publication: 

The Situation of Older Persons in Myanmar

This document is the outcome of a national research on the situation of older people in Myanmar, carried out in 2012. It is expected that this study will inform social and economic policies, especially those related to increasing income, expanding human security and reducing poverty among older people, their families and communities.

John Knodel and HelpAge International
Year of Publication: 

Psychosocial Support during an Outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease: IFRC Briefing Note

This briefing note provides background knowledge on the psychosocial aspects of responding to the Ebola epidemic and suggests psychosocial support activities that can be implemented. Psychosocial support is not only vital to ensure the well‐being of the affected population, but also to counter‐act the threats to public health and safety that fear, stigmatization and misconception poses. Furthermore, everybody involved in the response, from expat staff, local staff and volunteers, is working under unusually stressful conditions.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Year of Publication: 

Psychological First Aid during Ebola Virus Disease Outbreaks

This guide focuses on psychological first aid, which involves humane, supportive and practical help to fellow human beings suffering serious crisis events. It is written for people who can help others experiencing an extremely distressing event. This guide is an adaptation of the Psychological first aid: Guide for field workers (World Health Organization, War Trauma Foundation, World Vision International, 2011). It has been adapted to better respond to the challenges of Ebola virus disease outbreaks.

World Health Organization
Year of Publication: 

Social Service Workforce Training in the West and Central Africa Region

The focus of this study is to better understand how social workers and related professionals are trained and educated—both formally and informally—to engage in social work practice, especially as it is related to child protection, in the West and Central Africa region. The study defined the social service workforce broadly, including not only professional social workers but paraprofessionals such as NGO and CBO workers who through their daily work attempt to support vulnerable children and families.

CPC Learning Network
Year of Publication: 

Interagency Guidelines for Case Management and Child Protection

This document provides a general framework of agreed principles, considerations, steps and procedures for effective child protection case management in line with the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. The guidance is also relevant for non-humanitarian settings.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (formerly the Child Protection Working Group)
Year of Publication: 

Integrated Social Services in Armenia - Improving social welfare for Armenian families and children

This is a presentation providing detail on the implementation of a new, integrated social service system in Armenia.  The presentation outlines the three pillars of integrated social services:  case management, project management and resource management and discusses how this has been implemented in Armenia.  An innovative approach highlighted entails training 200 case managers in 19 integrated social service centers and the implementation of a case management process.

Hasmik Arakelyan, UNICEF Armenia and Mira Antonyan, Fund for Armenian Relief
Year of Publication: 


The query yielded 1470 items