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Resources Database

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1470 resources listed:

Le Renforcement des Systemes de Protection de l'Enfance en Afrique SubSaharienne: Un Appel a l'Action

L’objectif de cette déclaration est (i) de présenter notre vision commune des systèmes de protection de l’enfance en Afrique subsaharienne et d’expliquer pourquoi ils sont importants et méritent des investissements et lancer un appel à l’action auprès des gouvernements, à l’Union africaine.

Year of Publication: 

Investing in Children and Families to Avoid Unnecessary Separation (Français and Español)

S’Engager pour les Enfants et les Familles Afin d’é Viter la Séparation - Aujourd’hui, il est évident que les acteurs de la prise en charge des enfants et  des familles devraient s’engager d’avantage pour les enfants et les familles pour permettre leur développement harmonieux et leur participation au sein de la communauté. En Afrique, la société civile est de plus en plus active dans le mouvement encourageant l’investissement en matière de l’enfance et des familles afin de prévenir toute séparation inutile des membres de la famille.

Missions permanentes du Kenya, Portugal, Uruguay et Vietnam; African Child Policy Forum, ATD 4th World, Better Care Network, CELCIS, Family for Every Child, For Our Children Foundation, Hope and Homes for Children
Year of Publication: 

Care Groups: A Training Manual for Program Design and Implementation (Français and Español)

Care Groups: Un Manuel de Formation pour l’Élaboration et la Mise en œuvre de Programme
Ce manuel a été élaboré comme une ressource de formation pour l’élaboration, la formation, la mise en œuvre et le suivi des programmes de Care Groups.

Manual de Entrenamiento para Diseño e Emplementación de Programas Fue Desarrollado
Este manual fue desarrollado como un recurso de capacitación para el diseño, formación, implementación y monitoreo de programas de Grupos de Cuidado.

FSN Network, TOPS, Food for the Hungry, World Relief, CORE Group, USAID
Year of Publication: 

Realising the Rights of Every Child Everywhere: Moving forward with the EU

This compendium demonstrates the commitment of different actors to strengthening EU action on children’s rights. It also aims to inspire action and an even more ambitious vision for the EU to play a leading role in realising the rights of every child everywhere. The document emphasizes that policy-makers at all levels, social workers, health professionals, lawyers and judges, teachers, aca­demics, researchers, and civil society must work hand in hand to provide a protective and en­abling environment for children and to ensure children’s views are respected.

UNICEF, Eurochild
Year of Publication: 

Make Me a Change Agent: A Multisectoral SBC Resource for Community Workers and Field Staff

Available in English, Francais and Espanol, these lessons seek to build the skills of community-level workers, including lessons for workers on the ground to use communication, storytelling, and other techniques to promote behavior change in international development.

Ces leçons ont visent à renforcer les compétences des travailleurs communautaires, par example la communication et les contes, qui peuvent aider un agent de développement dans n’importe quel secteur à devenir un agent de changement de comportement beaucoup plus efficace.

Year of Publication: 

Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to teach basic knowledge, skills, and values about working with children who are in the child welfare system and who have experienced traumatic events. The toolkit teaches strategies for using trauma-informed child welfare practice to enhance the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and families who are involved in the child welfare system.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Year of Publication: 

Household Economic Strengthening in Support of Prevention of Family and Child Separation

This paper prepared by FHI 360 summarizes learning related to prevention of family-child separation, reintegration of children in family care, and economic interventions that might support these aims. It includes reference to the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance and Better Care Network working paper on Care Reform.

FHI 360, Lisa Laumann
Year of Publication: 

Models of Volunteer Management: Professional volunteer program management in social work

Several trends are leading to increased and broader involvement of volunteers in social work practice. As a consequence, social workers need to be able to manage volunteers in different settings, based on organizational/program factors and characteristics of the volunteers. Contemporary research on volunteer management can be divided into universalistic and contingency approaches.

Jeffrey L. Brudney & Lucas C.P.M. Meijs
Year of Publication: 

Results of a Survey Among Short-term Foster Carers

This report aims toprovide politicians, lawmakers, the media and the wider public with important knowledge about the use of short-term foster care for some of the Czech Republic’s most vulnerable children. With the adoption into law on 1 January 2013 of an amendment on social and legal protection of children, the Czech Republic took a significant step towards reducing the number of children (especially those under three years of age) placed into institutional care.

Year of Publication: 

An Analysis of Child-Care Reform in Three African Countries: Summary & Country Care Profiles

These reports include a summary of the care-reform process of three sub-Saharan African countries - Ghana, Liberia and Rwanda. The review covers the key components of the reform including the legal and policy framework, programmes and service delivery, advocacy and networking. Country care profiles on each country provide an overview of key lessons learned in the children's care reform process within those countries.

Better Care Network, UNICEF, Maestral International
Year of Publication: 

Birth to 5: Watch me thrive! A child welfare caseworker’s guide for developmental and behavioral screening

Because children and youth with developmental challenges are over-represented in the foster care system, it is especially important that child welfare workers are informed about and involved with the process of developmental and behavioral screening. If developmental concerns are caught early, practicioners can help ensure that children receive the extra support they need and are linked to appropriate services while in the care of the child welfare system.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Education
Year of Publication: 

The Norrtaelje Model: A unique model for integrated health and social care in Sweden

The Norrtaelje model is a Swedish initiative that transformed the funding and organisation of health and social care in order to better integrate care for older people with complex needs. In the Norrtaelje model, this transformation made it possible to bringing the team together, to transfer responsibility to different providers, to use care coordinators, and to develop integrated pathways and plans around transitions in and out of hospital and from nursing homes to hospital.

Monica Andersson Bäck, Johan Calltorp
Year of Publication: 

Para Professionals in the Social Service Workforce: Guiding Principles, Functions and Competencies - 1st edition

This document from 2015 represents the initial work of the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance Interest Group on Para Professionals in the Social Service Workforce (IGPP). Please note that an updated second edition includes competencies for two new sets of workers - Para Professional Social Workers (PSWs) and Para Professional Community Development Workers -  and updates other elements of the document.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance Interest Group on Para Professionals
Year of Publication: 

Care Groups: Summary of the Child Survival Outcomes Achieved Using Volunteer CHWs in Resource-Constrained Settings

When implemented by strong international NGOs with adequate funding, Care Groups have been remarkably effective in increasing population coverage of key child survival interventions at a low cost.

Henry Perry, Melanie Morrow, Thomas Davis,Sarah Borger, Jennifer Weiss, Mary DeCoster, Jim Ricca, Pieter Ernst
Year of Publication: 

Care Groups: An Innovative Community-Based Strategy for Improving Maternal, Neonatal & Child Health

New approaches are urgently needed that can be applied in settings with weak health systems and a scarcity of human resources for health. The Care Group approach uses facilitators, who are a lower-level cadre of paid workers, to work with groups of 12 or so volunteers (the Care Group), and each volunteer is responsible for 10–15 households. This article describes the Care Group approach in more detail, its history, and current NGO experience with implementing the approach across more than 28 countries.

Henry Perry, Melanie Morrow, Sarah Borger, Jennifer Weiss, Mary DeCoster, Thomas Davis, Pieter Ernst
Year of Publication: 

Professionalizing Under-Recognized Cadres to Strengthen Health Systems

Social service and supply chain personnel are two cadres of health workers that often lack support and a voice in the health system, hindering their education, career development and professional growth. Yet social service workers form a vital safety net for children and families made vulnerable by challenging circumstances. Applying its human resources for health (HRH) expertise, CapacityPlus developed a framework for the professionalization of under-recognized cadres.

Rebecca Bailey, Amy Bess, Kate Gilroy, Leah McManus, Deborah Murray, Richard Seifman, Dana Singleton, Maritza Titus, Daren Trudeau, IntraHealth International; Lisa Howard-Grabman, Training Resources Group, Inc.
Year of Publication: 


The query yielded 1470 items