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Resources Database

Example: A search for contin would match titles containing continuum, discontinue, continuation, etc.

1470 resources listed:

Calling Evidence-Based Practice into Question: Acknowledging phronetic knowledge in social work

The article argues that evidence-based practice suffers from a dilemma whereby a narrow view of evidence is prioritized at the cost of relevance to social work and suggests that praxis-based knowledge informed by different forms of knowledge is a better option with a greater potential to enhance the use of knowledge in social work practice. The article highights that phronesis is important for making social science matter in practice, and that this holds true in particular for social work. 

Petersén, A. C., and Olsson, J. I.
Year of Publication: 

Building Capacity in Implementation Science Research Training at the University of Nairobi

This report follows a program implemented by the University of Nairobi, who leveraged resources from the Medical Education Partnership to develop an institutional program that provides training and mentoring in implementation science, builds relationships between researchers and implementers, and identifies local research priorities for implementation science. Implementing science theory, methods, and experiences are included in the curriculum.

Osanjo, G. O., Oyugi, J. O., Kibwage, I. O., Mwanda, W. O., Ngugi, E. N., Otieno, F. C., and Talib, Z.
Year of Publication: 

Social Work Education in Africa: Whence and whither?

This article discusses the origin of social work education in Africa. Social work in Africa was not a product of a progressive social metamorphosis but rather that of foreign methodologies imposed on African societies. It will also further discuss the future direction and development of the field.

Mwansa, L. K.
Year of Publication: 

An Evaluation of Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children in Zambia

The purpose of the article is to monitor and evaluate the feasibility of implementing Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) to address trauma and stress-related symptoms in orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Zambia as part of ongoing programming within a non-governmental organization (NGO).

Murray, L. K., Familiar, I., Skavenski, S., Jere, E., Cohen, J., Imasiku, M., ...& Bolton, P.
Year of Publication: 

The Decentralisation-Centralisation Dilemma: Recruitment and distribution of health workers in remote districts of Tanzania

From five underserved, remote districts of mainland Tanzania, an exploratory qualitative study was conducted among informants recruited. In order to draw lessons necessary for improving recruitment, distribution and retention of health workers, they held a comparison of decentralized and the reinstated centralized systems.

Munga, M. A., Songstad, N. G., Blystad, A., &Mæstad, O.
Year of Publication: 

The Impact of Supervision on Worker Outcomes: A meta‐analysis

This resource provides a meta-analysis of research articles regarding the impact of supervision on worker outcomes. Published between 1990 and 2007, the 27 articles reviewed include a combined sample of more than 10,000 workers in child welfare, social work and mental health settings. The outcome of the research shows that workers who receive effective supervision reciprocate with positive feelings and behaviors toward their jobs and organizations. 

Mor Barak, M. E. M., Travis, D. J., Pyun, H., and Xie, B.
Year of Publication: 

Antecedents to Retention and Turnover Among Child Welfare, Social Work, and Other Human Service Employees: What can we learn from past research? A review and meta-analysis

This study identifies the relationship between demographic variables, personal perceptions, organizational conditions on turnover and intention to leave. Findings show that organizational commitment, professional commitment, burnout and job satisfaction were best predictors of intention to quit. 

Mor Barak, M. E. M., Nissly, J. A., and Levin, A.
Year of Publication: 

Count Welfare Directors Association of California Turnover Study

The purpose of this study of County Welfare Directors Association (CWDA) was to identify general trends that seem to be emerging throughout California. The desired outcome would be to equip individual counties with vital information that will assist in recruitment and retention resulting in practitioners with a greater breadth of experience directly related to the field of social services. This study was an informal trend analysis and findings presented herein are based self-reported data from each county.

California County Welfare Directors Association
Year of Publication: 

Safety as a Fifth Dimension in Supervision: Stories from the frontline

Child and family practice has become increasingly complex, which was recognized as a field of social work. While it is growing, in relation to effective supervision, there has been little research about the components of effective supervision. This report explored practitioners’ and supervisors’ experiences of effective supervision in this field by interviewing experienced supervisors and supervisees. The findings confirmed that complexity and centrality of the supervisory relationship, with the experience of a safe supervisory relationship, were essential.

McPherson, L., Frederico, M., and McNamara, P.
Year of Publication: 

Are Non-Traditional Social Work Placements Second-Best Learning Opportunities for Social Work Qualifying Students?

The research highlights experiences and perspectives of student social workers, project leaders and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to meet the six key roles, and demonstrate working with the legal framework, risk awareness, and management and assessment skills. It also considers how the developments in England will have an impact upon student social workers within ‘non-traditional’ placements in the future and their implications for the project.

McLaughlin, H., Scholar, H., McCaughan, S., and Coleman, A.
Year of Publication: 

Making Sense of Data-Driven Decision Making in Education

This paper uses RAND research to show how schools and districts are analyzing achievement test results and other types of data to make decisions to improve student success. It examines data-driven decision-making (DDDM) policies and suggests future research in the field. A conceptual framework, adapted from the literature and used to organize the discussion, recognizes that multiple data types (input, outcome, process and satisfaction data) can inform decisions, and that the presence of raw data does not ensure its effective use.

Marsh, J. A., Pane, J. F., and Hamilton, L. S.
Year of Publication: 

Support Workers in Social Care in England: A scoping study

This paper reports the findings of a scoping study designed to describe the evidence base with regard to support workers in social care in the United Kingdom and identify the gaps in knowledge. The results of the studies from the bibliographic databases published since 2003 revealed that the support worker role, though not well-defined, could be characterized as one aimed at fostering independence among service users, undertaking tasks across social and health care, and not being trained in, or a member of, a specific profession.

Manthorpe, J. Martineau, S., Moriarty, J., Hussein, S., Stevens, M.
Year of Publication: 

Job Burnout and Affective Wellbeing: A longitudinal study of burnout and job satisfaction among public child welfare workers

This paper discusses research on the proposed interrelationships of workplace demands and resources as predictors of burnout development and the subsequent impact of burnout on affective worker well-being (e.g. job satisfaction). The study uses longitudinal data collected from a sample of public child welfare workers using multi-group path models to test hypotheses about the temporal order of the relationships between work demands and resources, burnout and job satisfaction.

Lizano, E. L., and Mor Barak, M. M.
Year of Publication: 

Examining the Impact of Job Burnout on the Health and Well-being of Human Service Workers: A systematic review and synthesis

This paper synthesizes findings from 19 empirical studies published between 1970 and 2014 that examine the relationship between job burnout and affective, psychological, physiological, and behavioral well-being among human service workers. Study findings point to the detrimental impact of job burnout on the well-being of workers. 

Lizano, E. L.
Year of Publication: 

Para-Social Work to Address Most Vulnerable Children in Sub-Sahara Africa: A case example in Tanzania

This article describes training and utilization of para-social workers to the social service needs of children and families. These supervised para-professional community based staff and volunteers can fill gaps in serving the needs of children and families, particularly where social welfare systems are undeveloped or severely stretched. This paper presents the case study of Tanzania.

Linsk, N, Mabeyo, Z., Omari, L., Petras, D., Lubin, B., Abate, A. A., Steinitz, L., Kaijage, T., and Mason, S.
Year of Publication: 

Optimizing Health Worker Roles to Improve Access to Key Maternal and Newborn Health Interventions Through Task Shifting

The recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) to optimize the roles of health workers aims to address shortages in the health workforce that slow progress toward the health-related Millennium Development Goals. Optimization is expected to improve access and cost-effectiveness by rationally distributing the responsibilities among health workers.

Lewin, S., Glenton, C., Gulmezoglu, A. M., Lavis, J., and Alvarez, E.
Year of Publication: 

Effective Supervision in Clinical Practice Settings: A literature review

The goal of the article is to review the literature on effective supervision in practice settings to identify what is known about effective supervision. The empirical basis of the literature was discussed and the literature reviewed to identify understandings and definitions of supervision and its purpose; theoretical models of supervision; availability, structure and content of supervision; effective supervision; skills and qualities of effective supervisors; and supervisor training and its effectiveness.

Kilminster, S. M., and Jolly, B. C.
Year of Publication: 

Differences in Preferences for Rural Job Postings Between Nursing Students and Practicing Nurses: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment in Lao People’s Democratic Republic

A discrete choice experiment was conducted to investigate preferences for job characteristics among nursing students and practicing nurses to determine how these groups vary in their respective preferences and to understand whether differing policies may be appropriate for each group.
Peter C Rockers, Wanda Jaskiewicz, Margaret E Kruk, Outavong Phathammavong, Phouthone Vangkonevilay, Chanthakhath Paphassarang, Inpong Thong Phachanh, Laura Wurts and Kate Tulenko
Year of Publication: 


The query yielded 1470 items