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Resources Database

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1470 resources listed:

Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Settings

The protection of children from violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect is an urgent priority for all those working in humanitarian situations, including of course, protection actors but also the broad range of sectoral specialists. We must ensure we strengthen systems that will protect children in the longer term when the response is over, and these inter-agency minimum standards have the potential to transform the quality of our work toward protecting children.

Child Protection Working Group
Year of Publication: 

What Are We Learning About Protecting Children in the Community? An inter-agency review of evidence on community-based child protection mechanisms executive summary

National child protection systems include more formal, governmental mechanisms and also less formal, civil society mechanisms, such as traditional justice systems. Although this approach is widely used and supported by international agencies, there is at present a lack of robust evidence about the effectiveness, cost, scalability and sustainability of community-based child protection mechanisms.

Mike Wessells
Year of Publication: 

Interventions to Improve Psychosocial Well-being for Children Affected by HIV and AIDS: A systematic review

Following a systematic review to identify studies that assess the effectiveness of interventions developed to improve the psychosocial well-being of children affected by HIV/AIDS, published between January 2008 and February 2016, this report identifies 17 interventions that improved the psychosocial well-being of affected children.

Sarah Ann Skeen, Lorraine Sherr, Natasha Croome, Natasha Ghandi, K.J Roberts, Ana Macedo, Mark Tomlinson
Year of Publication: 

The Role of Para-Social Workers in Creating Community-led Approaches to Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse: Case study on child protection within OVC programs

With guidance and training in child protection district officials and community leaders worked together to map vulnerable households and issues in communities, organize and fortify orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) response committees at the district and sub-county levels, and train PSWs to identify, report and respond to issues of child abuse, neglect and vulnerability.

Suzanne Andrews, Catholic Relief Services
Year of Publication: 

Child Violence Experiences in Institutionalised/Orphanage Care

This paper is a literature review of the prevalence of violence against children in institutionalized care, particularly orphanages, and the negative results on development and well-being. The authors show how staff training and better systems of care can be effective interventions.

Lorraine Sherr, Kathryn J. Roberts & Natasha Gandhi
Year of Publication: 

Responding to Child Maltreatment: A framework for mapping child protection agencies

This report aims to gather data on legal, health and social services responses to child maltreatment. The first step in this mapping exercise is to map out the network of agencies and organizations tasked with responding to child maltreatment, including government-run child protective services, child protection teams at hospitals, not-for-profit helplines, psychotherapists at private practices and community-based child welfare organizations, to name a few examples.

Trocmé, N., Akesson, B. & Jud, A. Child
Year of Publication: 

Study Examines Stability of Minnesota Child Protection Workforce

A summary of a survey conducted to understand the state of the workforce in Minnesota includes job satisfaction, the impact of secondary traumatic stress and the adequacy of supervision and peer support.

Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare, MACSSA, Minnesota Department of Human Services
Year of Publication: 

mHealth for Health Information Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries – Challenges and Opportunities in Data Quality, Privacy and Security

One of the six building blocks for strong national health systems is the use of health information systems, according to the World Health Organization. As social service workers in low- and middle-income countries seek new ways to improve health-related information and communication technologies to improve availability and accessibility of patient data while working in the field, there are emerging best practices and challenges in doing so.

Sam Wambugu, Christina Villella, MEASURE Evaluation
Year of Publication: 

Protecting Young Children from Violence in Colombia: Linking caregiver empathy with community child rights indicators as a pathway for peace in Medellin’s Comuna 13

The following program applied a unique model addressing young children’s psychosocial well-being. The initiative built the capacity for caregiver empathy combining a positive parenting approach with community early learning strengths, child rights, and community empowerment methods.

Cook, Philip; Mack, Elaina; Manrique, Manuel
Year of Publication: 

MER OVC Essential Survey Indicators – Frequently Asked Questions

This document includes Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) raised by stakeholders involved in designing and implementing surveys to collect the PEPFAR Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Essential Survey Indicators.  MEASURE Evaluation has compiled answers to these questions and has produced this resource to enable the sharing of lessons learned across stakeholders.

MEASURE Evaluation
Year of Publication: 

Skills and Professional Practices for the Consolidation of the Support Group Model to Foster Families

Participatory action-research with professionals working in child protection systems throughout Spain highlights the importance of development of competencies and training for working in foster care and establishing supportive relationships with the families.

Competencias y prácticas profesionales para la consolidación del modelo de apoyo grupal a las familias acogedoras

M. Angels Balsells, Nuria Fuentes-Palaez, Maribel Mateo, J.M. Torralba & Veronica Violant
Year of Publication: 

Social Workers as Environmental Preservation Vanguards: Zimbabwean professionals’ potential change agent roles

The article explores pathways for environmental social work engagement in Zimbabwe. The authors recommend inclusion of environmental issues in the social work curricula, including fieldwork and collaboration with state and non-state actors who are currently involved in environment justice.

Takudzwa Leonard Mathende & Tatenda Goodman Nhapi
Year of Publication: 


The query yielded 1470 items