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Resources Database

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1470 resources listed:

2018 Prevention Resource Guide - Keeping Children Safe and Families Strong in Supportive Communities

The Resource Guide was created primarily to support community-based child abuse prevention professionals who work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well-being. The guide includes detailed information about six protective factors for preventing child maltreatment and tips and examples for infusing them into programs and direct practice with families and children. It also includes strengths-based tip sheets on specific parenting topics that can be used in discussions or visits with caregivers.

US Department of Health and Human Services Children's Bureau
Year of Publication: 

Child Protection Resource Pack: How to plan, monitor and evaluate child protection programmes

The purpose of this resource pack is to strengthen the evidence base of child protection through clear and practical guidance for improved planning and M&E practices and documentation of good practices and lessons learned, in line with the main approaches in UNICEF’s Child Protection Strategy (2008) and the refocus in UNICEF on monitoring results for equity.

UNICEF Child Protection Section
Year of Publication: 

The Lost Ones - Emergency care and family tracing for separated children from birth to five years

This guide describes how to care for the youngest children who are separated from their families in emergencies. This working guide also provides information on how parents and humanitarian workers can prevent children from becoming separated during emergencies in the first place. In the event of separation, the guide outlines how to trace the families of separated children and discusses possible care models to meet developmental needs.

Marie De La Soudière, Jan Williamson, Jacqueline Botte, UNICEF
Year of Publication: 

HIV and Caregiver Common Mental Disorder: Synergistic Impacts on Child Development and Entry Points for Interventions

This reviews published literature on the mental health status of mothers living with HIV (MLH) and how this affects their children. It offers several recommends for integrating mental health services into delivery of other health and HIV services, including home visiting programs, collaboration among social service and other sectors, and cash transfer programs.

Mark Tomlinson and Xanthe Hunt - 4Children, Catholic Relief Services
Year of Publication: 

Accelerating Children's Care Reform - Zambia National Consultation

A three-day consultative meeting held in Zambia in 2016 sought to identify key issues and recommendations towards an accelerated care reform process in Zambia. Specifically the meeting sought to identify challenges and gaps which may be hindering the care reform process and to identify priority actions and next steps. These were addressed through the following focus areas:
· evidence building and sharing;
· capacity strengthening and;
· advocacy related to family strengthening and alternative care.

Better Care Network
Year of Publication: 

Better Parenting Facilitator Manual

Better Parenting Nigeria is a discussion peer learning and sharing model. Exchange is promoted by a parenting facilitator posing questions, guiding the discussion and emphasizing good practices, encouraging participation, praising examples of good parenting, and gently correcting information if negative advice is shared.

4Children Nigeria
Year of Publication: 

Disability Inclusion in Psychosocial Support Programs in Lebanon: Guidance for psychosocial support facilitators

Comprised of eight tools, this toolkit is designed to support PSS facilitators to strengthen inclusion of children and adolescents with disabilities in a range of PSS activities, including community-based and focused activities. It includes guidance, key actions and tools to improve outreach and identification of children with disabilities for PSS activities; to adapt existing PSS activities; and to support children and adolescents with disabilities who are at medium to high risk of child protection concerns.

Women's Refugee Commission, UNICEF
Year of Publication: 

Gender-based Violence Against Children and Youth with Disabilities: A toolkit for child protection actors

As part of a larger toolkit, this section provide capacity development tools on disability inclusion into GBV programming. The activities and content presented in these tools are intended to be integrated and mainstreamed throughout core child protection and GBV training packages, including through case studies and examples centered on children and youth with disabilities. Also available in French and Arabic.

ChildFund International, Women's Refugee Commission
Year of Publication: 

Cash Plus: Linking cash transfers to services and sectors

In recognition of the limitations of cash alone, governments (sometimes in partnership with other actors) have introduced ‘Cash Plus’ initiatives, which provide regular cash transfers plus additional support or linkages to services in a bid to extend and maximize positive impacts. This report is summarizes how cash plus programmes work and their benefits, including linking recipients to other services in the community, home visitation programs, psychosocial support services and other services provided by the social service workforce.

Keetie Roelen, Tia Palermo and Leah Prencipe
Year of Publication: 

Psychosocial Factors and Behavioral Health Outcomes Among Children in Foster and Kinship Care: A systematic review

Children in out-of-home placements are at elevated risk for behavioral problems. More research is needed to identify factors that can be targeted in prevention and intervention efforts to improve behavioral health outcomes among this vulnerable population. A systematic review was conducted with the aim of developing a better understanding of the psychosocial factors associated with the behavioral health of children in foster and kinship care.

Tyreasa Washington, Ashley Wrenn, Hannah Kaye, Mary Ann Priester, Gia Colombo, Kevin Carter, Itumeleng Shadreck, Brenden A.Hargett, Jeffrey A.Williams, Tanya Coakley
Year of Publication: 

Empowering Caregivers of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Swaziland

This paper reports on the health and psychosocial impacts of a programme designed to economically empower female caregivers of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). As a result of participating in savings groups, the caregivers had increased earnings, borrowed more, repaid their loans, and expanded their businesses. Important health impacts were found for both the caregivers and the OVC, which are reported in the findings of this paper.

Syloid Choice Makufa, Daisy Kisyombe, Nicole Miller and Nanette Barkley
Year of Publication: 

Setting the Global Research Agenda for Child Protection in Humanitarian Contexts

Armed conflict, natural disaster and forced displacement affect millions of children each year. Such humanitarian crises can erode existing family and community protection mechanisms - increasing the risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence. Within these contexts, child protection experts work to prevent and respond to protection concerns. Yet the evidence-base that should inform these interventions is lacking.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Year of Publication: 

Promoting Successful Transitions Beyond Institutional Care: A programme-based service delivery model linked to a case management system

This paper reports on findings from an evaluation study of two institutions providing transition programmes to adolescent girls transitioning from institutional care in Zimbabwe. The study sought to understand how government-based and NGO-based institutions were delivering services to prepare adolescents for life outside care and whether these services complied with Standard Six of the National Residential Child Care Standards in Zimbabwe.

Pamhidzayi Berejena Mhongera, Antoinette Lombard
Year of Publication: 


The query yielded 1470 items