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1470 resources listed:

Reimagining Migration Responses: Learning from children and young people who move in the Horn of Africa

The number of international migrants under 18 is rising, accelerated by complex and fast-evolving economic, demographic, security and environmental drivers. Based on interviews carried out with 1,290 migrant children and young people in Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan, this report helps address the evidence gap on children and young people migrating in the Horn of Africa by providing a better understanding of their protective environments; their access to services and resources; and their perceptions of safety, well-being and trust in authorities and other providers.

Year of Publication: 

Reforma sistemului de îngrijire în Republica Moldova

În 2021, Changing the Way We Care a lansat o analiză situațională a sistemului de îngrijire a copilului în Republica Moldova. Rezultatul acestei analize sunt 8 rapoarte bazate pe cercetări ample ale partenerilor CTWWC: Copil, Comunitate, Familie (CCF) Moldova, Keystone Human Services International, Moldova și Parteneriate pentru fiecare copil (P4EC). Aceste rapoarte oferă o imagine de ansamblu a situației copiilor vulnerabili și a familiilor acestora din Moldova, atât în contextul dezinstituționalizării, cât și al prevenirii plasării în instituții rezidențiale.

Changing the Way We Care
Year of Publication: 

Situational Analysis of Care Reform in the Republic of Moldova

From January to July 2021, Changing the Way We Care in Moldova, a USAID-funded initiative implemented by Catholic Relief Services and Maestral International, together with local partners, Copil, Comunitate, Familie (CCF), Keystone Moldova, and Partnership for Every Child (P4EC) conducted research on key elements of care reform.

Changing the Way We Care
Year of Publication: 

Social Service Workers in Schools

Schools can play a critical role in addressing violence against children and other child protection concerns within schools and communities. This role and responsibility can be best fulfilled with the help of on-site support staff, including social service workers.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance
Year of Publication: 

Follow the Money: Global funding of child and family MHPSS activities in development and humanitarian assistance

The study shows that whilst a positive trend in donors’ policy on child and family MHPSS led to a relative increase in funding for the area, the proportion of child and family MHPSS funding as part of wider ODA and private sector funding remains a drop in the ocean compared to the growing needs.

Key findings from the report include:

MHPSS Collaborative
Year of Publication: 

Ending Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Lessons Learned and promising practices in low and middle income countries

This report takes stock of UNICEF’s work to address online child sexual exploitation and abuse. It is intended for policymakers and practitioners to inform policy and practice in this field. Based primarily on analysis of survey responses from 29 UNICEF country offices, the report sets out the current level of implementation of the WeProtect Model National Response, gaps and challenges in low- and middle-income countries, and promising practices and lessons learned.

Year of Publication: 

Taking Care of the Caregivers: The moderating role of reflective supervision in the relationship between COVID-19 stress and the mental and professional well-being of the IECMH workforce

This study examined the relationships between COVID-related stress, mental health and professional burnout in the infant and early child mental health (IECMH) workforce and examined reflective supervision and consultation (RSC) as a potential protective factor in the context of COVID-related stress. Participants included 123 adults (n = 121 female, modal age range 30–39 years) in the TN IECMH workforce (mean years of experience = 13.6 years) surveyed in June/July 2020.

Diana Morelen, Julia Najm, Megan Wolff, Kelly Daniel
Year of Publication: 

Strengthening Caregiving Environments: Prioritising Family-based Care in Humanitarian Settings During COVID-19

Understanding the risks and responses to children’s caregiving environment during COVID-19 remains limited. This is especially the case in humanitarian settings. This brief, therefore, aims to report what is known so far during the pandemic. The brief focuses on strategies to strengthen the caregiving environment through family- and community-based approaches. It also offers a series of case studies from various humanitarian and emergency contexts.

Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Year of Publication: 

Understanding COVID-Inspired Shifts to Remote Systems of Care

Conflict, displacement, and COVID-19 have increased demands for mental health services – and made them very hard to deliver. The publication explores the potential of remote service provision.

The publication builds on qualitative research conducted by colleagues at the Airbel Impact Lab of the International Rescue Committee and validated through participatory consultations with clients, practitioners, and management staff of organisations in the Middle East and globally.

International Rescue Commitee
Year of Publication: 

Safeguarding Toolbox: For organizations to develop & implement effective, relevant safeguarding policies and practices

Changing the Way We CareSM (CTWWC) is committed to bold and highest quality child protection and safeguarding in all of its work. Within the initiative, they sought to ensure that children and young people at risk of or outside of family care are safeguarded.

Changing the Way We Care
Year of Publication: 

Ruta de prevención de la separación familiar innecesaria y derivación a servicios sociales y especializados

Esta Ruta de Coordinación, fue construida y diseñada de manera participativa y liderada por CTWWC Guatemala, con el objeto de articular de manera eficiente y coordinada los esfuerzos que los profesionales de las instituciones gubernamentales y municipales vinculadas a la prevención y proteccion, deben promover, gestionar y facilitar la derivación a los servicios sociales y especializados que permitan la prevención de la separación familiar innecesaria de los niños, niñas o adolescentes de su ento

Changing the Way We Care
Year of Publication: 

Pandemic Ethics: Rethinking rights, responsibilities and roles in social work

This article explores responses of 41 UK social workers to ethical challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, utilising UK data from an international qualitative survey and follow-up interviews in 2020. Challenges ranged from weighing individual rights/ needs against public health risks, to deciding whether to follow government/agency rules and guidance. Drawing on a narrative methodology to explore ethical agency, four broad types of response are identified: ethical confusion; ethical distress; ethical creativity and ethical learning.

Sarah Banks, Nikki Rutter
Year of Publication: 

One Year Into COVID-19: What have we learned about child maltreatment reports and child protective service responses?


A year has passed since COVID-19 began disrupting systems. Although children are not considered a risk population for the virus, there is accumulating knowledge regarding children's escalating risk for maltreatment during the pandemic.

Ilan Katz, Sidnei Priolo-Filho, Carmit Katz et al.
Year of Publication: 

Strengthening the Child Protection System to End Violence Against Children In Eastern and Southern Africa

This paper aims to promote child protection system strengthening to reduce violence against children in Eastern and Southern Africa. It explores the concept of child protection system strengthening and provides concrete examples from the region of system strengthening in practice. It is aimed at UNICEF country office staff, government and others working in the region.

Year of Publication: 

Older people's association model in linking with health and care systems in Cambodia

To improve the well-being of older people in Asia, HelpAge International and HelpAge Cambodia are piloting an Older People’s Association (OPA) model in Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Indonesia. These multifunctional community-based organisations mobilise older people to improve their own lives and contribute to community development across several domains including health and social welfare. Health-related activities include health check-ups and referrals, health education, and financial and social support.

HelpAge International
Year of Publication: 

Older people’s association model in linking with health and care systems in Bangladesh

To improve the well-being of older people in Asia, HelpAge International are piloting an older people’s association model in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Indonesia. This research aimed to identify strategies for appropriate integration of health and care activities of older people’s associations (OPAs) into health and social welfare systems in Bangladesh. Using secondary data sources, phase one of this research identified that Bangladesh is experiencing an ageing population. Data also shows that older people experience an increased burden from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).

Help Age International
Year of Publication: 

Human Trafficking and Child Welfare: A Guide for Child Welfare Agencies

The growing awareness of human trafficking in the United States and abroad requires government and human services agencies to reevaluate old policies and develop new ones for identifying and serving victims. Due to their potentially unstable living situations, physical distance from friends and family, traumatic experiences, and emotional vulnerability, children involved with child welfare are at risk for being targeted by traffickers who are actively seeking children1 to exploit.

U.S. Children's Bureau
Year of Publication: 

Integrating Mental Health and Psychosocial Support into Youth Programming: A Toolkit

This Integrating Mental Health and Psychosocial Support into Youth Programming: A Toolkit provides strategies and tools for designing, implementing, and evaluating mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) programs and activities for youth in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and conflict-affected contexts.

USAID’s YouthPower2: Learning and Evaluation
Making Cents
Year of Publication: 

Caring for LGBTQ Children & Youth

This booklet was developed by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s All Children – All Families project. The project engages child welfare agencies across the United States, providing resources, technical assistance and training on best practices for supporting and serving LGBTQ youth and LGBT families. The resource provides information about the care and support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning children and youth.

Human Rights Campaign
Year of Publication: 


The query yielded 1470 items