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Psychosocial support

Protecting Children through Village-based Family Support Groups in a Post-Conflict and Refugee Setting, Northern Uganda: Case study

This example is a case study of a village-based child protection program run by Children of the World that worked with children, youth and adults in villages around the town of Kitgum offering psychosocial and livelihood support, and skills training. THe program sought to rebuild family units that...

Including Children with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action

This guidance consists of six booklets full of practical actions and tips. The booklets cover: general guidance, nutrition, health & HIV/AIDS, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), child protection, and education. Available in English, Arabic & French

Disability Inclusion in Psychosocial Support Programs in Lebanon: Guidance for psychosocial support facilitators

Comprised of eight tools, this toolkit is designed to support PSS facilitators to strengthen inclusion of children and adolescents with disabilities in a range of PSS activities, including community-based and focused activities.

Childonomics: Measuring the long-term social and economic value of investing in children

A consortium of organisations developed and tested an instrument that helps reflect on the long-term social and economic return of investing in children and families.

Cash Plus: Linking cash transfers to services and sectors

In recognition of the limitations of cash alone, governments (sometimes in partnership with other actors) have introduced ‘Cash Plus’ initiatives, which provide regular cash transfers plus additional support or linkages to services in a bid to extend and maximize positive impacts.

Psychosocial Factors and Behavioral Health Outcomes Among Children in Foster and Kinship Care: A systematic review

Children in out-of-home placements are at elevated risk for behavioral problems. More research is needed to identify factors that can be targeted in prevention and intervention efforts to improve behavioral health outcomes among this vulnerable population. A systematic review was conducted with the...

Empowering Caregivers of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Swaziland

This paper reports on the health and psychosocial impacts of a programme designed to economically empower female caregivers of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). As a result of participating in savings groups, the caregivers had increased earnings, borrowed more, repaid their loans, and...

Setting the Global Research Agenda for Child Protection in Humanitarian Contexts

Armed conflict, natural disaster and forced displacement affect millions of children each year. Such humanitarian crises can erode existing family and community protection mechanisms - increasing the risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence. Within these contexts, child protection experts...

Safety, Trust, and Disclosure: A qualitative examination of violence against refugee adolescents in Kiziba Camp, Rwanda

Refugee adolescents face increased vulnerability to child protection risks including abuse, neglect, violence, and exploitation. The aim of this qualitative study was to examine the nature of violence against adolescents in Kiziba Camp, Rwanda, using an ecological framework to analyze the factors...

Education & Child Protection in Emergencies: Joint rapid needs assessment, Rohingya refugee response

The report presents key findings from the assessment as well as recommendations for government and other actors. Child Protection-related findings include data on the risks and safety of Rohingya refugee children (including family separation), unaccompanied and separated children, violence against...
