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Strengthening Orphan and Vulnerable Children Programs with Data- Creating a culture of data demand and use

This case study explains how MEASURE Evaluation and Pact Worldwide adapted a data demand and use (DDU) intervention to build a culture of data use within their organization and their partner organizations in Lesotho. The goal of the collaboration was to institutionalize DDU tools, curricula, and...

Taking Evidence to Impact: Making a difference for vulnerable children living in a world with HIV and AIDS

The purpose of this document is to inform the development of appropriate responses for children affected by HIV and AIDS. It builds on the principles and approaches from the 2004 Framework for the Protection, Care and Support of Orphans and Vulnerable Children Living in a World with HIV and AIDS,...

Motivations for entering volunteer service and factors affecting productivity: A mixed method survey of STEPS-OVC volunteer HIV caregivers in Zambia

This study was designed to examine the motivations of individuals volunteering as STEPS-OVC caregivers; to explore their experiences in service, including perceived barriers to carrying out their volunteer work and if, and how, their expectations for volunteering had been met or not; to assess...

The Isibindi Model: Introducing Community Child and Youth Care Workers

This is a PowerPoint presentation by Zeni Thumbadoo from the April 2014 Symposium “Supporting Families, Building a Better Tomorrow for Children: The Role of the Social Service Workforce” hosted by the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance. She discusses the Isibindi Model demonstrating the work...

Caring for Carers - Managing stress in those who care for people with HIV and AIDS

This UNAIDS Case Study looks at what care programmes for people with HIV and AIDS are doing to minimize stress and burnout.  Interviews with AIDS Support Organizations (ASOs) in Uganda and South Africa were held with a range of people including: managers and supervisors of care teams; carers on the...

National Plan of Action for Orphans and Vulnerable Children – Swaziland

This National Plan of Action (NPA) for Orphans and Vulnerable Children is linked to the National Multisectoral HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan 2006 -2008 and the National HIV and AIDS Policy. It arises out of a recognised need for practical steps and widespread cooperation to ensure the rights of all...

PEPFAR Guidance for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Programming

The purpose of this guidance is to help PEPFAR country teams and implementing partners develop country operational plans (COPs) and design programs that support vulnerable children in their contexts, align with known best practice, and incorporate potential innovation.

Protecting Children Affected by HIV Against Abuse, Exploitation, Violence, and Neglect

This document is intended to explore strategies to protect orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) who were made so by HIV from abuse, exploitation, violence, and neglect. It draws from lessons learned by OVC program managers, designers, and policy developers—particularly those associated with the...

Synthesis Report on New Regional Evidence of Scaling Up National Responses to Children Affected by AIDS

This synthesis discussion paper is part of a study commissioned by UNICEF to document the evolution of national responses for children affected by HIV and AIDS (CABA) and the lessons learned in addressing the challenges to scaling up services for them.

Assessing the Human Resource Capacity for Implementation of the National Plan of Action for OVC

This document provides coordinators, stakeholders and implementers with a process, methodology, and tools for assessing government human resource capacity to lead and manage an effective implementation of the NPA.  
