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Stronger Together

This report is intended as a guide to governments, in particular ministries of health and finance, in making decisions on the integration of community responses to HIV in national AIDS plans and linking health and community service delivery. It also lists all the different forms of work that...

Promoting Education for Vulnerable Children by Supporting Families: A holistic intervention in Uganda

This article reports on the Western Uganda Bantwana Program, which worked with more than 1,000 HIV/AIDS-affected families with the goals of improving socioeconomic status, psychosocial functioning, and educational participation. Bantwana offered home visits for psychosocial support and connected...

The Role of Maternal, Health System, and Psychosocial Factors in Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission Failure in the Era of Programmatic Scale Up in Western Kenya: A case control study

This matched case-control study assessed individual, socio-cultural, and health system factors that contributed to the failure of prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) services in an area of Kenya where free PMTCT services were widely accessible. The study found that women facing these...

Community-based Organizations for Vulnerable Children in South Africa: Reach, psychosocial correlates, and potential mechanisms

Evidence is lacking as to whether CBOs are reaching those who are most vulnerable, whether attending these organizations is associated with greater psychosocial wellbeing for the individual, and how CBOs work in practice. Data were obtained from the Young Carers and Child Community Care studies for...

Monitoring HIV and AIDS Related Policy Reforms: A road map to strengthen policy monitoring and implementation in PEPFAR partner countries

Countries with high HIV burden often have low policy development, advocacy, and monitoring capacity. This manuscript describes the increased focus on policy development and implementation by the United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

Communities Deliver: The critical role of communities in reaching global targets to end the AIDS epidemic

The report includes community-based service delivery for orphans and other children made vulnerable due to AIDS and health service provision. Ending the epidemic requires services that reach all vulnerable populations and a strong health workforce.

Caregiver Behavior Change for Child Survival in Low- and Middle-income Countries: An examination of the evidence

This article is organized into childhood developmental periods and cross-cutting issues that affect child survival and healthy early development across all these periods. On the basis of this review, the authors present evidence-based recommendations for programs focused on caregivers to increase...

The Clinical Management of Children and Adolescents who have Experienced Sexual Violence

This guide includes Technical Considerations on post-rape care for persons under the age of 18 in primary health centers that also provide HIV care.

Strengthening Linkages between Clinical & Social Services for Children & Adolescents who Have Experienced Sexual Violence

This guide provides a basic framework, examples, resources, and contact information for health providers and managers to better understand and facilitate linkages with critical social and community services for comprehensive care of children and adolescents who have experienced sexual violence and...

THRIVES: A Global Technical Package to Prevent Violence Against Children

THRIVES represents a select group of complementary strategies that reflect the best available evidence to help countries sharpen their focus on priorities with the greatest potential to reduce violence against children. This group of strategies contains evidence-based interventions that are...
