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Primary and Secondary Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children in Ghana

The paper outlines the primary and secondary impacts of COVID-19 on children in Ghana. The paper finds that wide-reaching secondary effects of the virus and consequent mitigation and preventive measures should be addressed in multidimensional ways, across sectors.

Adapt. Imagine. Innovate. Child Protection during COVID-19: a catalogue of innovations and adaptations

This catalogue showcases many promising innovations and adaptations in child protection services by Save the Children to ensure continuity of services during COVID-19. It shares examples lessons learned as good practice that can inform others on adapting services in future health crises but also as...

The Impact of COVID-19 on Children's Access to Justice

Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic – along with previous infectious disease outbreaks – suggests that existing child protection violations are exacerbated, and new risks emerge, in times of crisis. In addition to the adverse impacts of detention and incarceration on their well-being, children risk...

Counting Pennies 2 - Analysis of official development assistance to end violence against children

Girls and boys the world over have been devastated by COVID-19’s aftershocks. Before the pandemic, more than one billion children experienced violence every year. As the crisis unfolded, up to 85 million more children found themselves at risk of violence at home, online and in their communities.

Making Best Use of the Technical Note: COVID-19 and Children Deprived of their Liberty

In response to increasing concerns about the protection issues facing children in detention during the COVID-19 crisis, an Inter-Agency ‘Technical Note: COVID-19 and Children Deprived of their Liberty’ was published in April 2020. It contains recommendations for governments and other detaining...

Act Now: Experiences and recommendations of girls and boys on the impact of COVID-19

In this report, children and young people share the impact that COVID-19 has had on their lives. It concludes by making several recommendations and calling for increased funding and policies for services and actors in the areas of child protection, MHPSS  and social protection.

Child Welfare in the Midst of the Coronavirus Pandemic - Emerging evidence from Germany

Focusing on Germany, this article aims to explore some of the effects of the COVID-19 measures on children and families. Furthermore, it examines a number of key challenges for child protection practitioners. These include identifying potential cases of child maltreatment without the support...

Access to Justice for Children in the Era of COVID-19: Notes from the Field

Access to justice is both a fundamental human right and an essential prerequisite for the protection and promotion of all human rights. Children’s access to justice is therefore central to UNICEF’s mandate to advocate for the protection of children’s rights. This rapid analysis documents how UNICEF...

Social Work during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Initial findings

During 2020, social workers were operating in new circumstances resulting from the global spread of the Covid-19 virus. The pandemic, and the restrictions implemented to control it, impacted on every area of our lives. As part of its response, BASW conducted two surveys exploring the impact of...

Prioritising Children, Adolescents & Caregivers Affected by HIV in the COVID-19 Response - Policy briefing

This policy brief is for global donors and policy makers. It sets out what global policy changes are required, based on the latest evidence related to children and adolescents affected by HIV, and those working alongside them.
