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Developing Multicultural Competence Using the Structured Peer Group Supervision Model

This article presents a format of peer group multicultural supervision in which supervisees work to increase their multicultural competencies while engaging in helper roles important for working with culturally diverse clients.

Sector Skills Plan Update 2014-2015 for the Period 2015-2020

The article highlights the impact of policies in the health and social development sectors and the factors that constitute major shifts in the sector. The Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority's (HWSETA) skills development priorities were identified, together with the...

Building the Skills of Direct Care Workers: The Alaskan core competencies initiative

This article details the development of a set of cross-sector core competencies relevant to workers in the fields of mental health, addictions, developmental and physical disabilities, and the long-term care of older adults. Also described are the related assessment tools, curriculum, and train-the...

Why Social Work Needs Mapping

Social work has been slow to adopt geographic information systems (GIS) as a tool for research and practice. This paper argues that GIS can benefit social work by continuing and strengthening the social survey tradition, providing a framework for understanding human behavior, identifying community...

Situational Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction: The moderating role of national culture

A review of the job satisfaction across 24 countries shows that cultural differences may have an impact. There has been little systematic research on the question if and how national culture moderates different job characteristics’ influences on job satisfaction. Findings indicate that some job...

Culturally Adapted Mental Health Intervention: A meta-analytic review

This paper is an analysis of 76 research studies looking at the availability and quality of mental health services provided to persons from historically disadvantaged racial and ethnic groups. The research found that interventions targeted to specific cultural or ethnic groups, including in native...

Human Resources for Health: Overcoming the crisis

This report of the global workforceproposes that mobilization and strengthening of human resources for health is the key in fighting health crisis. Nearly all countries are challenged by worker shortage, skill mix imbalance, maldistribution, negative work environment, and weak knowledge base....

Conducting a Community Needs Assessment: Primary data collection techniques

This research paper contains techniques on gathering new information to assess community needs. It details five techniques to effectively identify the current situation of the community and the local needs, these are (1) the key informant approach; (2) the public forum approach; (3) the nominal...

Summary Report of the 3rd Annual Global Social Service Workforce Symposium

The Global Social Service Workforce Alliance hosted its 3rd Annual Symposium on June 2nd, 2016. The event was held at the Birdsall House Conference Center in Washington, DC and also via live webcast. Just over 300 participants from 25 countries across NGOs, government, academia, donors and others...

Perspectives of Patients and Caregivers on the Logistical Barriers to Providing Mental Health Services in Uganda

Interviews were conducted with caregivers and patients about their access to mental health services and asked them to identify major barriers.  Through this process they concluded that some of the logistical barriers such as inadequate staffing and irregular supplies were leading to problems with...
