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The Impact of the Refugee Crisis on Local Public Social Services in Europe

This report reviews the impact of the refugee crisis on local public social services in Europe and what support public social services have received from the state and community.

Changing Systems & Practice to Improve Outcomes for Young Fathers, Their Children & Their Families

The report highlights ways to increase the role of fathers within children’s lives. A barrier has been a focus on mothers as primary caregivers. The report highlights the important role child welfare workers can play in strengthening the parenting skills and involvement of fathers.

Community-Based Protection and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

This document aims to help community-based protection and MHPSS practitioners understand implications of their work and how together they can contribute to well-being and protection for people affected by forced displacement.

A Familiar Face: Violence in the lives of children and adolescents

The report shows the magnitude of violence against children and calls on national governments to take action to eliminate all forms of violence. In order to implement these plans and policies, the report calls for functioning social service systems with well trained social service workers.

Driving Digital Transformation of Human Services Delivery

With an aim to provide insights on the potential to harness information and technology to benefit both the service provider and the service consumer, this report calls for governments to optimize resources and shift their approach to human and social services delivery.

2017 Home Visiting Yearbook

A compilation of key data on early childhood home visiting, this resource highlights how home visiting is a proven strategy to help children and families thrives. Service providers connect with parents and families to guide them through the early years of raising a family. This resource provides a...

Measuring Impact Through a Child Protection Index

This report is a comparison of child protection system strength between 2013 and 2015 and key lessons learned from in Kiziba camp.

Ending Violence in Childhood

A total of 75% of the world's children have experienced some form of violence. This report makes recommendations for addressing the issue through local action to promote child rights and prevent violence.

Isibindi's Family Strengthening Approach

Following a 2016 qualitiative study in three cities on the family strengthening approach of the Isibindi program, this brief was created to provide an overview of the program and its results.

Resources for Social Service Providers

This website is a compendium of free resources available to frontline social service providers for the provision of care to people living with HIV.
