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Community-based Social Work with Children and Families: Manual on prevention and reintegration

This manual developed by Save the Children in Bulgaria provides lessons learned from a project to help children and families avoid separation and institutionalization by receiving community-based services and support from social workers experienced in practical work. The manual is intended for...

Caring for the Caregivers: Understanding Rwandan OVC volunteers in a faith-based setting

This document presents a study conducted by CRS to better understand the profile of the most committed and effective volunteers, the motivation of volunteers, the importance of incentives, and the relationship of volunteers to the church.

Situational Analysis of the Twinning Center Para-Social Worker Training Program

CapacityPlus conducted a situational analysis of a para-social worker training program in three country contexts. This analysis validated that the twinning model is adaptable and should be employed to build a cadre of para-social workers at the local level. The analysis also provides the needed...

Strengthening Child Protection Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa

An Inter-Agency Working Paper to consolidate current thinking, examples and lessons learned about child protection system strengthening in sub-Saharan Africa and suggest a way forward.

The Way We Care: A guide for managers of programs serving vulnerable children and youth

This self-teach manual from FHI is designed to help new and recently promoted managers of programs serving vulnerable children and youth who are affected by disease, extreme poverty and trauma. The Way We Care promotes a child-focused and family-centered approach and emphasizes the newest...

Para Social Worker Training Manual & Curricula: Partnering to strengthen the capacity of community-based caregivers to support OVC

The Tanzania Para Social Work Program represents a comprehensive workforce development model to strengthen the social welfare system in low-resource countries.

Social Welfare Workforce Strengthening for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Care, Support and Protection in Nigeria

This report outlines the results of a scoping visit undertaken in February 2011 by CapacityPlus to support ongoing work aimed at strengthening the social welfare workforce (SWW) for OVC care, support & protection services in Nigeria. Specifically, the focus was to facilitate and support country...

Mapping and Assessing Child Protection Systems in West and Central Africa: A five-country analysis paper

This paper presents the findings and insights generated through the mapping and assessment of national child protection systems in five West African countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Niger, Senegal and Sierra Leone.

The Thogomelo Project - Factsheet

This Factsheet provides an overview of the Thogomelo Project in South Africa.

The Tanzania National Plan of Action for Most Vulnerable Children: A human capacity needs assessment

This report provides an assessment of the human capacity and other needs that will be required to implement the Tanzanian National Plan of Action for Most Vulnerable Children, including an assessment of village-level most vulnerable children committee (MVCCs).  
