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Key Findings and Recommendations: Isibindi mid-term review

This report is a compilation of data of the impact half-way through the five-year Isibindi program, and it makes recommendations for meeting or surpassing targets by the end of the program in 2018.

Promoting Social and Economic Equality: Social workers’ contribution to social justice and social development in South Africa and Uganda

This article presents case studies from South Africa, where social work is regulated by law, and Uganda, where social work is not professionally regulated, that show that developmental social work includes social, economic and environmental development activities and that social work can become a...

The Cost and Economic Impact of Violence Against Children

The consequences of physical, psychological and sexual violence against children can be as high as $7 trillion. While it is clear that ‘prevention pays’, levels of spending on preventive and responsive actions in relation to violence against children remain very low and are frequently not even...

Reaching and Investing in Children at the Margins: Workshop Summary

During a workshop organized by Forum on Investing in Young Children Globally, participants explored how discrimination and social exclusion affect early development, focusing on vulnerable populations such as children living outside of family care. The Forum reviewed evidence-based data from...

Uprooted: The Growing Crisis for Refugee and Migrant Children

This report provides data and legal frameworks on children migrants from both a global and continent-by-continent perspective. It also includes six key recommendations for the protection of these children, including keeping families together as the best way to protect children and give children...

Mainstreaming Psychosocial Care and Support into Economic Strengthening Programmes

This resource includes six steps for enhancing the scope of psychosocial support in economic strengthening programs.

Strengthening Child Protection Systems in the Philippines: Child protection in emergencies

This report examines child protection system strengthening in the Philippines following emergency responses to Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda.

South African Child Gauge 2016

An annual publication that provides a snap-shot of the status of South Africa’s children, the 2016 issue focuses on children social assistance.

Community Workers Guide to Understanding Gender-Based Violence and Child Protection Basic Concepts

This manual aims to improve understanding of gender-based violence and child protection issues in the community,, and how to address these issues.

Child Protection Legislation in Pakistan: Bringing international child rights obligations and local values together

In this journal article, suggestions are offered to address issues for the evolving child protection system in Pakistan, including the challenge of defining the concept of child protection for practice; the establishment of formal administrative and institutional structures (including secondary...
