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Technology to Support Children's Social Care: Opportunities and Challenges

The potential for information and communication technology (ICT) to support the delivery of social services, and the possible benefits afforded, have been acknowledged in numerous studies. The many obstacles to the adoption and integration of ICT into social services have also been documented.

Protecting children and families: Social Service Workforce Strengthening during COVID-19 in Bangladesh

The COVID-19 pandemic placed significant pressure on Bangladesh’s social and health systems. Concerned that the pandemic would impact negatively on the health system, the Government of Bangladesh took significant measures to control the spread of COVID-19. These measures included closing all...

The vital role of the social service workforce in emergencies

Social service workers play a crucial role in helping individuals, families and communities respond to and recover from emergencies. They also help individuals, families and communities build their resilience to withstand future shocks. Yet, they remain largely unrecognized and undervalued.

UNICEF Global Annual Result Report Goal Area 3: Every child is protected from violence and exploitation

Child protection is the prevention of, and response to, exploitation, abuse, neglect, harmful practices and violence against children, including adolescents. The UNICEF approach in Goal Area 3 (child protection) is guided by human rights principles, norms and standards that are embedded in the...

Putting children and youth participation at the heart of care reform

Putting Children and Young People at the Heart of Care Reform is an introductory manual aimed at practitioners. The manual provides a comprehensive overview of how to meaningfully engage children and young people in care reform. It covers the legal and theoretic framework, the basics in how to...

How to Keep Children Safe as a Volunteer Responding to the Ukraine Emergency

Terre des hommes has created guidance on how to keep children safe as a volunteer responding to the Ukraine emergency. Volunteers are strongly encouraged to follow this guidance. It is currently available in English, Romanian, Ukrainian, Russian and Hungarian and can be downloaded below.

The independent review of children’s social care

An independent review of the needs, experiences and outcomes of the children supported by social care in the United Kingdom. The review launched in March 2021. It prioritised hearing the voices of children, young people and adults that have received the help or support of a social worker, or who...

Inspiring Children’s Futures:Children’s Participation: Adults’ Perceptions of Child Participation and Young People’s Views on Responses during COVID-19

This Learning Report is part of a series of thematic reports documenting the COVID 4P Log survey findings from service providers and policymakers from 22 countries and five continents. The project presented in this report drew upon key findings from the COVID 4P Log project pertaining to children’s...

Inspiring Children’s Futures:Children’s Participation: Adults’ Perceptions of Child Participation and Young People’s Views on Responses during COVID-19

This Learning Report is part of a series of thematic reports documenting the COVID 4P Log survey findings from service providers and policymakers from 22 countries and five continents. The project presented in this report drew upon key findings from the COVID 4P Log project pertaining to children’s...

The role of social protection in the elimination of child labour: Evidence review and policy implications

This new ILO-UNICEF report provides a rigorous review of what the latest research says about the power of social protection to combat child labour. Providing families with direct assistance to help them weather crises can help reduce negative coping strategies like child labour and child marriage.
