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Child protection

Core Concepts and Principles of Effective Case Management: Approaches for the Social Service Workforce

This document represents the work of the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance Case Management Interest Group.

Results Matrix for Social Service Workforce Strengthening

This results matrix, developing in collaboration with UNICEF, is meant to guide the measurement of progress toward strengthening the social service workforce.

Child Protection during emergency situations (in Albanian)

This is a specialized online training “on child protection during emergencies” for the for-child protection & social welfare professionals in the local level. The training was developed in the framework of the project “Emergency and recovery support for vulnerable children and families affected...

National Roll-out of Isibindi Year Five and Close-out Report

The National Association of Child Care Workers (NACCW) developed the Isibindi “Circles of Care” model in 2001 as a response to the large number of orphans and vulnerable children and youth (OVCY) in South Africa. At the core of the model is the development of a skilled cadre of child and youth care...

Isibindi Family Strengthening Approach

This report is a presentation of an evaluation study that provides a qualitative understanding of the family strengthening approach that underlies the Isibindi model. It describes how the Isibindi approach contributes to the outcomes related to wellbeing indicators, while at the same time...

Global Declaration on Justice with Children

The Global Declaration on Justice With Children is a culmination of the discussions held before and during the 2021 World Congress on Justice With Children that gathered over 4,800 intergenerational participants from over 100 countries from 15-20 November 2021 through an online platform, with the...

Towards psychosocial resilience and well-being: A framework to ensure a community-based and contextualised approach to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support intervention

Mental Health and Psychosocial (MHPSS) approaches and interventions have always been important for Terres des hommes and embedded in their programming. They have adopted a framework presented to respond better to the contexts in which they work. 

Participant Handbook Companion: Practical Life Skills - A workshop for care leavers and those who have recently left care aged 18 to 25 years

This participants handbook has come into being by care leavers for care leavers. It has been developed based on the myriad of challenges shared and experienced by care leavers, hoping with the hope that it will support others leaving care. This handbook contains materials you can use during and...

Participant Handbook Companion: Practical Life Skills - A workshop for care leavers and those who have recently left care aged 10 to 13 years

This participants handbook has come into being by care leavers for care leavers. It has been developed based on the myriad of challenges shared and experienced by care leavers, hoping with the hope that it will support others leaving care. This handbook contains materials you can use during and...

Facilitator's Guide: Practical Life Skills - Workshops for care leavers and those who have recently left care aged 18 to 25 years old

Youth who grew up in care can face challenges that are often different from the challenges faced by other young people. They often leave care without any definite or tangible support from the government, little-to-no support from the residential care facility (called "charitable children's...
