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Alternative care

Guidelines for the Alternative Family Care of Children in Kenya

These guidelines are meant to support child welfare and protection practitioners in order to improve the quality of family support and alternative care services in Kenya.

Review of the Implementation of the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health & Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings

The IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in Emergency Settings were established in 2007 to protect and improve people’s mental health and psychosocial well-being in the midst of an emergency. Seven years of dissemination, utilization and implementation of the Guidelines...

Ophans and Ebola: Estimating the Secondary Impact of a Public Health Crisis

This working paper reviews data from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leona to estimate the likely number of children who will be orphaned as a result of the Ebola Virus Disease. The estimates are intended to guide policy to support family networks to improve the capacity to provide high quality care to...

Child Welfare in Chile: Learning from International Experiences to Improve Family Interventions

Poor outcomes and several complaints to the judicial system against residentialservices for children have triggered a deep review of the Chilean child welfare services,particularly in relation to family reunification. This paper offers strategic guidelines toimprove alternative care for children...

The Role of Social Service Workforce Development in Care Reform

This working paper explores the topic of social service workforce strengthening as it relates to child care reform. It is intended to be a useful resource for reform efforts and a practical and accessible overview for use by policy-makers, practitioners, and service providers in contexts that are...

From a Whisper to a Shout: A Call to End Violence Against Children in Alternative Care

This report is structured into seven chapters, which take us on a path towards greater understanding of the challenges inherent in protecting children in alternative care from violence. It combines a comprehensive review on violence against children in alternative care with an analysis of...

The Place of Foster Care in the Continuum of Care Choices - A review of the evidence for policymakers

Foster care can be an important part of the continuum of care choices for children. When foster care is administered appropriately, with the proper mechanisms, structures and resources, it allows children to remain in a loving and caring family while authorities work towards family reintegration or...

Strategies for Delivering Safe and Effective Foster Care

The evidence presented in this report suggests that there is no one blueprint of universal elements for successful foster care programs. The workforce developing and delivering foster care programs must carefully examine their specific local context and adapt programs accordingly. 

DCOF-UNICEF Assessment of Strengthening Systems to Protect Vulnerable Children and Families in Cambodia

This report provides an assessment of a three-year project, Strengthening Systems to Protect Vulnerable Children and Families in Cambodia, which ran from 2009 – 2012.

Review of Social Work Practice: An Emphasis on Public Social and Child Welfare

This review provides an overview of the current situation of social work practice in Cambodia.  It examines the degree of professionalization and institutionalization of the social work profession and practice in government, assesses UNICEF-supported social work trainings, and recommends methods...
