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Romanian Social Service Workforce Census

Although it has made considerable progress over the last 30 years, Romania continues to face demographic and social challenges, reporting the highest at-risk-of-poverty and social exclusion rate in the Euopean Union, sharp disparities between rural and urban areas and a markedly ageing population. In this context, a strong social service workforce is required to address the needs of the most vulnerable populations. And yet, in a recent European Commission study on the social service workforce, the country ranks low on human resources available in the social sector. Consequently, in 2022, the Romanian National College of Social Workers (RNCSW), with the support of UNICEF and Metro Media Transilvania, conducted a census survey among social service employees in Romania. The survey mainly aimed to objectively assess the workforce available across social services in terms of coverage and distribution. This report includes the results of that census.

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Romanian National College of Social Workers
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