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Member Spotlight: Mohd Salman

Picture of Mohd Salman, IndiaLocation: India

Organization: University of Dehli

Title: Assistant Professor (Guest)

Please tell us about your role in advocating for or strengthening the social service workforce.

For strengthening the social service workforce in India, I do research on the workforce and their issues and challenges in the job. I encourage professionals to write down their stories and struggles so that they get more recognition as well as a healthy working environment.

What motivates you to work in this field?

Working in the field of social service workforce strenghtening is highly rewarding and fulfilling, driven by several motivating factors. I am motivated by a genuine desire to make a difference in people's lives. By working in the social service workforce, I have the opportunity to directly impact the lives of vulnerable individuals, families, and communities. Helping others and improving their well-being can be incredibly rewarding. Also, the field of social service workforce offers significant opportunities for personal and professional growth. It allows individuals to develop a wide range of skills such as communication, problem-solving, advocacy, and leadership.

From your experience, please describe one or two key challenges that you face in strengthening the social service workforce? 

The key challenge in strengthening the social service workforce is the lack of adequate resources and funding. Social service organizations often struggle to secure sufficient financial support to recruit, train, and retain skilled professionals. This can result in limited staff capacity, high caseloads, and inadequate salaries and benefits, which in turn can lead to burnout, turnover, and a shortage of qualified workers. Insufficient resources also hinder the implementation of essential support systems such as supervision, professional development, and infrastructure, all of which are crucial for maintaining a strong workforce.

Another challenge is the need for comprehensive workforce planning and development strategies. Many countries and organizations lack systematic approaches to assess the current workforce landscape, forecast future needs, and design strategies to address gaps. Without a clear understanding of the demand for services and the necessary skills and competencies, it becomes difficult to effectively allocate resources, recruit the right professionals, and provide appropriate training and support. A lack of workforce planning can lead to imbalances in the distribution of services, gaps in specialized expertise, and inefficiencies in service delivery.

How long have you been a member of the Alliance?

One year.

What was the primary reason you decided to join the Alliance?

As The Global Social Service Workforce Alliance works to promote and strengthen the social service workforce to enhance the well-being of vulnerable populations. I joined the Alliance to contribute my expertise, share knowledge, and collaborate with others who are passionate about strengthening the social service workforce worldwide.

What value does the Alliance bring to your efforts to strengthen the social service workforce?

The Alliance provides a platform for collaboration and networking among various stakeholders, including practitioners, researchers, and advocates. By connecting individuals and organizations, the Alliance facilitates the exchange of knowledge, best practices, and innovative ideas, fostering a collective effort to strengthen the social service workforce. Also the Alliance serves as a hub for knowledge sharing and dissemination of resources related to the social service workforce. It collects and shares research, reports, guidelines, and tools that can inform and support efforts to enhance the workforce. These resources can be valuable references for individuals and organizations working in this field.