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United States of America

Family Group Decision-Making: Implementing the Family Group Conference

Arizona Kinship Support Services implements the Family Group Conference (FGC) model, developed by the Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect. Listen to this podcast as they detail the rigorous evaluation criteria and what early program indicators are telling the...

Profile of the Social Work Workforce

One of the key findings highlights that many individuals call themselves social workers without attaining a social work degree.

NASW Code of Ethics

This code of ethics, developed by the National Association of Social Workers US, is intended to serve as a guide to the everyday professional conduct of social workers.

Public Agencies Don’t Need to Do It Alone: Eight reasons to use a partnership when providing support services to adoptive, foster and kinship care families

This analysis of social services partnerships shows that collaborating with community-based organizations is one of the key factors in a project’s long-term success and its capacity to make a difference. This paper highlights the benefits public agencies may see from partnering with family-support...

Changing Systems & Practice to Improve Outcomes for Young Fathers, Their Children & Their Families

The report highlights ways to increase the role of fathers within children’s lives. A barrier has been a focus on mothers as primary caregivers. The report highlights the important role child welfare workers can play in strengthening the parenting skills and involvement of fathers.

Early Childhood Education Personnel Pipeline and Retention in Nevada

This report highlights the challenges in attracting and retaining early childhood education professionals in Nevada and makes suggestions for addressing these challenges.

Violence Against Children and Care in Africa: A discussion paper

Violence against children is prevalent in Africa, including in family and alternative care settings. Addressing the problem requires several strategies, including investing in a skilled and well-resourced social service workforce.

Driving Digital Transformation of Human Services Delivery

With an aim to provide insights on the potential to harness information and technology to benefit both the service provider and the service consumer, this report calls for governments to optimize resources and shift their approach to human and social services delivery.

2017 Home Visiting Yearbook

A compilation of key data on early childhood home visiting, this resource highlights how home visiting is a proven strategy to help children and families thrives. Service providers connect with parents and families to guide them through the early years of raising a family. This resource provides a...

Toolkit on Mapping Legal, Health and Social Services Responses to Child Maltreatment

This toolkit contains tips, recommended practices and resources for academics and decision-makers in child protection who are interested in conducting national or regional surveillance of agency response to child maltreatment and child maltreatment incidence through the collection of administrative...
