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United States of America

Continuing Innovations in CPS Staff Recruitment and Selection: Results of a statewide test validation study

Effective recruitment and selection is essential to successful training outcomes. The aim of this paper is to optimize the fit between the needs of child welfare job applicants and the organization; that is, to identify candidates most likely to be satisfactory job performers and least likely to...

Social Service Needs Assessments: A national review

More than 40 different needs assessments were analyzed regarding their goals, methods and findings. The study found that many needs assessments provided snapshots of programs but did not provide recommendations for the future. Most of the needs assessments were conducted in different formats and to...

Supervisors Behaving Badly: Witnessing ethical dilemmas and what to do about it

The NASW (National Association of Social Workers) Code of Ethics (1996) guides social workers’ professional conduct, but provides little instruction when one’s own supervisor behaves unethically. Using student-collected interviews, they found six typologies of supervisors behaving badly, and used...

Child welfare outcomes 2008-2011

The reports provide information on state and national performance in operating child protection and child welfare programs. It also presents performance in seven outcome categories, which were identified in close consultation with state and local child welfare agency administrators, child advocacy...

Child Victims of Human Trafficking: outcomes and service adaptation within the U.S. Unaccompanied Refugee Minor programs

Child victims of trafficking have additional needs and vulnerabilities, especially as they begin to rebuild their lives in their new communities. This paper presents the features of the unaccompanied Refugee Minor (URM) program, administered by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops/Migration...

Development and Implementation of a Child Welfare Workforce Strategy to Build a Trauma-Informed System of Support for Foster Care

This study evaluated two approaches to increase trauma symptom identification and use of screening results to inform case planning.

Supporting Family Engagement in Home Visiting with the Family Map Interventions

A study was conducted to examine the feasibility and usefulness of universal screening tool--the Family Map Inventory (FMI)--to assess family strengths and needs in a home visiting program. The FMI has been used successfully by center-based early childcare programs to tailor services to family need...

The Clinical Management of Children and Adolescents who have Experienced Sexual Violence

This guide includes Technical Considerations on post-rape care for persons under the age of 18 in primary health centers that also provide HIV care.

A Social Worker’s Toolkit for Working with Immigrant Families

If or when immigrants come into contact with the child welfare system, depending on their country of origin, generational and legal status, reason for emigration, and immigration and resettlement experiences, it becomes especially challenging to untangle the range of factors that contribute to...

THRIVES: A Global Technical Package to Prevent Violence Against Children

THRIVES represents a select group of complementary strategies that reflect the best available evidence to help countries sharpen their focus on priorities with the greatest potential to reduce violence against children. This group of strategies contains evidence-based interventions that are...
